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Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:58 pm
by Pierre
if I believe GamePedia's help file, there is a native import functionnality for Game Collector, however I had no sucess making it work :(
I tried to export my collection as .xml from both 3.0 Build 3 pro and 2.2.3 and none of them seems to work. Is it only compatible with older version or did I do something wrong? DvdProfiler importation want so smoothly that I was dreaming of the same things for my game collection :)


Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:08 am
by Nora
Could you please send us the .xml file you're trying to import so we can take a look at that there, see if there's maybe something that has changed and we need to update Gamepedia accordingly? Thanks. (You'll find our email address on the support page.)

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:12 am
by Pierre
Ok, sure :)

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:55 am
by Conor
Thank you for the files. Download the beta and you will be able to import either one.

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:05 am
by Pierre
It works, great :)
But it doesn't import the picture, do I have any faster options than setting them one by one?

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:15 am
by Conor
Because your coming over from the PC you have to update the cover path in the XML before importing with a find and replace in any text editor. It currently looks like this:

Code: Select all

<coverfront>C:\Documents and Settings\Pierre\Mes documents\Game Collector\Images\SuperMario64DS2004334_f.jpg</coverfront>
If you copy the "Images" folder to your Mac's desktop then you want the results to be:

Code: Select all

The find and replace would be "C:\Documents and Settings\Pierre\Mes documents\Game Collector\Images\" for "/Users/Pierre/Desktop/Images/", assuming that your Mac user name is also "Pierre".

Otherwise you could also select all in Gamepedia and use the "Downlaod Cover Art" from under the advance menu. There are a few it will not find that you will have to add (or try another pass using "Amazon FR" for those, I only did US) and "Fable" will get the "Fable II" cover, "Ninja Gaiden" will get the "Ninja Gaiden II" cover since the title of the first matches part of the sequel, so those need to be updated as well.

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:22 am
by Pierre
Worked like a charm.
You just got a new customer :)

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:07 am
by Pierre
Actually I do have another question :)

In Game Collector, I note whether or not I have finished a game, and when did I finish it. I did find the "complete" field and it seems to have been correctly imported, but I can't find a field to save the date I had finished the game... Should I use a custom field for that?

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:35 pm
by Conor
We do not have a finished date, you could use a custom field. Another option is to use the last played date field, if you then replay the game the last played date moves to the played history when updated and there you can set a comment and label the finished date. Find the last played history window under the main view menu.

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:03 pm
by Pierre
The last played date will do the trick :)

I just noticed a bug in the importer, the dates are not imported correctly, month and days are switched.
For example if the date was 7/5/2009, Gamepedia imported 5th July 2009 when it actually was 7th may 2009. Another side effect is that all the dates with a day bigger than 12 like 15/5/2009 didn't import at all.

Re: Can't import Game Collector's collection

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:25 am
by Nora
Check your system's date settings (System Preferences > Date & Time) and make sure they are set to the same order as the file you're importing, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy. (After the import is done you can change it back to whatever setting you prefer.)