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Some fields not accessible in column view after import

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:12 pm
by garynunes
I think I solved my problem (discussed below): by going into the preferences | Fields tab and checking the appropriate check boxes so that the fields appear in the Add Edit Panel they then also become available in the drop down menu and view options panel. Not exactly intuitive but it does the job. I leave it to you to decide if this behavior is odd enough to be considered a bug.

I keep my book collection data in a Filemaker Pro database (primarily because Bookpedia doesn't support the kinds of reports and sorts that I like to generate). Nevertheless I have all the pedias and thought it would be nice to have some book data on my iPod Touch using Pocketpedia.

I created a tab-delimited file (exported from FMP) containing a subset of the FMP fields:
  • AuthorsEditors
    SeriesSortCalc (used to do a particular kind of sort in FMP)
    Packaging (hardcover/trade paperback/paperback)
    GeneralClass (fiction/non-fiction)
    Category (e.g., novel, collection-authored, collection-edited, ...)
    Subcategory (e.g., science fiction, horror, humor, ...)
    SeriesTitle (e.g., Lord of the Rings)
    SeriesPart (1, 2, ...)
    SeriesLast (last book number in series, e.g., for a trilogy, 3)
    SmallDescription (e.g., F(ac) e, meaning fiction,authored collection, excellent condition)
In Bookpedia I used the first eight custom fields naming them as follows:
  • C1 = All Authors/Editors
    C2 = Series Sort Value
    C3 = General Class
    C4 = Category
    C5 = Subcategory
    C6 = Series Part
    C7 = Series Last
    C8 = Small Description
I then imported the tab-delimited file into Bookpedia with the following mappings:
  • AuthorsEditors --> All Authors/Editors
    FirstAuthorEditor --> Author
    Title --> Title
    SeriesSortCalc --> Series Sort Value
    Packaging --> Format
    GeneralClass --> General Class
    Category --> Category
    Subcategory --> Subcategory
    SeriesTitle --> Series
    SeriesPart --> Series Part
    SeriesLast --> Series Last
    SmallDescription --> Small Description
When trying to view the various fields in the column view the last four custom fields that I renamed (5 - 8, i.e., Subcategory, Series Part, Series Last and Small Description) are not available for choosing, neither in the drop down menu or in the view options panel (also note that the last two custom fields, custom 9 and custom 10 aren't available either). The data seems to be there as evidenced by its appearance in the Info panel.

Gary Nunes