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DVD?pedia + Itunes

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:01 pm
by Tarkin
Hi Guys

I got bookpedia the other week and love it. So I had a bit of a look at the other products to see if they would be helpful. I particularly like the pocketpedia, though it looks to me like you can't edit pocketpedia databases synched from a mac and have that update on the mac, right?

Also, I use itunes to store all my movies and TV series. I have a fairly serious range of DVDs, though I throw the covers away and just keep the DVDs themselves (Saves so much space). So I already have these with episode names, ratings, poster/cover art etc. Will one of the pedias integrate with itunes so that I can have them viewable within pocketpedia without having to add products separately into ?pedia and itunes? I find the book wishlist to be really handy and I'd love to have that with movies too.



Re: DVD?pedia + Itunes

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:28 am
by Nora
You're right, at the moment there is no editing in Pocketpedia and the sync is one-way only, from the Mac to the iPhone. But we are currently working on a new version (soon ready for beta testing) that will incorporate two-way synching. Editing is on our to-do list too but I'm not sure if it's going to make it into this next version of Pocketpedia.

The latest version of DVDpedia, 4.4.3, can import iTunes data for movies and TV shows. Just export your data from iTunes in XML format (File menu > Library > Export playlist) and then drag that XML file over the DVDpedia icon to automatically have the program import the data. Each entry will also have a link to the actual movie file so you can start playing it from inside DVDpedia. (And of course, when you sync your data over to Pocketpedia, the iTunes data will now be part of that sync as well.)

Re: CDPedia + Itunes

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 4:22 pm
by Ted
One thing that would be supper helpful is two way cover art sync with iTunes (manual is fine) -- I'd love to be able to easily copy a CD cover between CDPedia & iTunes depending on which one has it (or has the higher res. better version).

Re: DVD?pedia + Itunes

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:24 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. You can certainly do it manually by dragging the cover from CDpedia to iTunes and vice versa. In CDpedia use the main cover image on the bottom left as a source and target. In iTunes it's a bit more complicated since you can't drag in or out of that location; use the edit command and select the "artwork" tab that allows drag and drop.