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Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:58 am
by macnorton
Here is my problem...I have made additions and subtracts to all my pedia DB's (specifically on DVDPedia and CDPedia) and I cannot get these updates to upload to my .Mac Homepage.

Here is my current page:

The count is 74, but it is 97 in the DB

The same thing is happening in CDPedia as well

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:16 pm
by Conor
Hi Kevin,

The new version of the program use Mobile Me, that no longer uses homepage. So your new uploads would be now at Although I can't see your DVDs at that location, so try a new upload and follow the "view" button after the upload to find out what is the path that DVDpedia is uploading the files to. Otherwise look inside your iDisk by loading it from the Finder menu and look in both /Sites and /Web to find out where the files are going, so we can find out what might be happening.

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:06 pm
by macnorton
According to Pedia I am going to web, but I cannot find the pages. I also saw nothing strange when opening iDisk. Should I check again?

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:50 pm
by Conor
What is the link that DVDpedia is taken you to after you press the view button after uploading?

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:01 pm
by macnorton


I am getting a page not found error after upload

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:40 am
by Conor
I can see some CDs on your homepage but I imagine these are the old ones and not the updated version. Use your iDisk in the Finder sidebar and navigate to iDisk/Web/Sites. "Albums" should now be a folder inside that directory, this is where the files are uploaded to. Try manually uploading the files by doing a regular HTML export to your desktop and then dragging the exported folder over to iDisk/Web/Sites/. After the upload the website is[name of folder uploaded]. If that fails then it's something with your MobileMe account. If that does work please send me your preference file for CDpedia so that I can try to reproduce the issue. You will find the file in your home folder under ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.cdpedia.plist. Any messages from CDpedia in your console log would also be useful; use the program of the same name in Applications/Utilities to view the console log (new messages are towards the bottom). Another thing to try is to sign out of MobileMe in the System Preferences --> MobileMe and back in again.

Re: Pedias not updating Homepage

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:36 pm
by macnorton
I attempted to log out /log in to MobileMe and that did not work. I went on to iDisk and everything looked fine. Upload manually and I am still having issues.

I will send the requested files to you.