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Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:12 am
by danimal
Please help.

Have spent a few hours trying to get the sync button to come up in pocketpedia so I can sync my dvdpedia library but no luck.

Have tried the following -

i) Re-installed pocketpedia
ii) Ensured dvdpedia and pocketpedia are both running
ii) Checked to make sure my iphone is connected to my mac wireless network via my airport
iii) Made sure my firewall is turned off
iii) Been through all the help forums on but still no luck!

Any help of other things to check / try would be greatly appreciated. I love dvdpedia (only got it today and have already loaded a few hundred of my dvd's and it's very cool!) The last piece of the puzzle is to get my movie list onto my iPhone.

Many thanks in advance.


Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:21 pm
by Conor
Hi Dan,

Could be your router has a firewall that is blocking the connection or that your using other firewall software like Net Barrier? Try creating a new network from under the Airport menu that appears when clicking on the Airport icon. Use the "create network" command and then make sure to switch your iPhone to the new network in the Settings program before looking for the sync button in Pocketpedia. Doing this will hopefully let you get an initial list of DVDs on your iPhone and it's a good way to know that the blocking is happening on the physical router and not the Mac. I am exploring ways of improving the sync for the few users with firewall/blocking issues in the upcoming versions.

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:04 pm
by danimal
Thanks Conor.

Tried your suggestion but still no luck. I have created a computer to computer network (Create Network) under the airport icon, and checked my iPhone and set it to connect to that wi-fi network but still not working :o(

Have confirmed that my firewall is off as well.

Any other suggestions?


Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:13 am
by druid
I had more success in synching by directly connecting iPhone to iMac, via the USB cable that Apple provides. Trying to do it via Airport works, but very slowly. Have DVDpedia and iTunes both running. A prompt will come up in DVDpedia, asking if it's OK to synch. Click yes, and off it goes. Don't use the Synch button in iTunes. The first synch takes a while, if you are downloading cover art. After that, you synch via the iTunes Synch button. (doing this from memory; was quite a while ago)

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 2:31 pm
by Nora
The connection for the sync ONLY works via the wireless connection; unfortunately third-party programs don't have access to the USB connection.

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:58 pm
by sjk
Nora wrote:The connection for the sync ONLY works via the wireless connection; unfortunately third-party programs don't have access to the USB connection.
Well, that cancels the reply to druid I'd just started composing. :)

I was wrongly thinking DVDpedia/Pocketpedia synching had been using USB while it had actually been using WiFi the whole time (flawlessly).

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:31 pm
by vid-pac-rat
Well, I got my new iPhone Wi-Fi connected through my D-Link router.
I read everything I could find, trying to create some sort of "virtual" AirPort connect with my G5 tower, which is connected directly through the Ethernet port.
Since I don't have an AirPort card in it, it gives me no AirPort options. OS X 10.5.4 won't even let me put an AirPort
Status icon in the menubar. So, I'm screwed for getting my data into PocketPedia? (Other than buying an Airport card?)

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:01 pm
by Conor
You should be able to sync via the D-Link router as long as it does not have a firewall setting that would block the connection routed to your G5 via the ethernet cable. Make sure the G5 also does not have the software firewall on.

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:22 pm
by vid-pac-rat
The G5 does not have the firewall on, but the router HAS to. There's a PC user who pays for the ISP, so I have to make sure that junk machine is protected. Maybe if I bought a generic Wi-Fi USB dongle? Or would it have to be AirPort card? All of my PCI slots are full of FireWire 400 & 800 cards, so that option is out.

Please help with another solution? I'm tired of renting what I already have!...

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:35 am
by Conor
Do you see the sync button in Pocketpedia under the collections tab after it's connected to the network and DVDpedia is running on the G5?

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:12 am
by Alex
It should be ok for the firewall to be on as long as both the G5 and the iPhone are on the same side of the network and you have no security settings between Ethernet access and WiFi access on the router.

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:12 pm
by Pierre
I got the same problem as you, I couldn't sync with DvdPedia (the sync button wasn't showing), so I tried another app that sync with my Mac : Squirrel, and I got the exact same problem, it doesn't sync. Both was working fine a week ago, so I though either it's my router firmware upgrade that changed something, or it's iPhone OS 3.0 that have some issue with bonjour.

So I downloaded Apple Remote, to see if it could find my iTune library, and it worked, then I tried Squirrel again just in case, and it worked :) So I tried DvdPedia, but it didn't worked :( Then I relaunch Apple Remote, close it, and launch DvdPedia again, and this time it worked :)
It seems that somehow Apple Remote is initializing something that need to be done before being able to sync with Squirrel or DvdPedia... maybe some change in the OS 3.0?

Sounds very much like black magic, but maybe it will work for you too?

Re: Please help - syncing pocketpedia to dvdpedia on iPhone

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:36 am
by Conor
It is a bit of black magic, but thank you for the tip about the Apple Remote. I am currently in the middle of trying a number of different options with Bonjour to rework the sync system in Pocketpedia not only for 3.0 but to make it less prone to the internal software firewall on the Mac (that also has a bug that although you might allow DVDpedia as one of the apps that is exempt from the firewall it still gets blocked and obviously leads to confusion).