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TV series from IMDB

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:43 am
by MikeB
Most of the TV series I collect are not available on TVRage, so I have been using IMDB. The problem comes with the series episodes. I cannot use DVDpedia to search for the episodes, only the main page of the series. I don't know if it is technically possible, but it would be very nice if DVDpedia worked with TV series the way it now works for film titles: using the button on the search window, you are presented with a list of possible matches. You can then select the right one and DVDpedia takes care of the rest. Would it be possible for this to work with the series episodes? So, if I searched for a series name, the button, instead of giving similar matches would present a list of episodes and I could then pick the correct one?

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:41 pm
by Nanook
Hopefully this feature will come soon.

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:21 am
by MikeB
No, I'm afraid you've misunderstood me. I'm only interested in having the episodes from a series listed. These episodes are linked from the series main page, so if might be possible.

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:13 pm
by Nanook
If you look a little harder at the thread I posted, you''ll notice the feature allowing nested box set handling will also allow TV series episode listings. In fact, the example used in that thread is the series Family Guy, where each box set is broken down by nested disks and then individual episodes.

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:21 am
by MikeB
The reason I don't see the connection is because we are discussing two different sets of information: 1. the episodes in a TV series vs. 2. the contents of a box set. Perhaps you are not aware, but box sets are not universal - a box set sold in the US may have different content than a box set in the Netherlands (where I live). It is also true that the episode information can be different from country to country. This is why in my original suggestion, I said it would be handy if the "finds" list would show all episodes - this way, even if the order or number was not correct (relative to your country, for example) you could pick the correct episode from the list.

As it is now, it is a very manual process involving finding the IMDB ID number for the episode, pasting that into DVDPedia and then manually copying and pasting the missing information (such as "Original Air Date") into DVDPedia.

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:48 pm
by sjk
MikeB wrote:This is why in my original suggestion, I said it would be handy if the "finds" list would show all episodes - this way, even if the order or number was not correct (relative to your country, for example) you could pick the correct episode from the list.
I think something like DVD Hunter's Autocomplete preview sheet would work nicely for that and for making selections from other multi-result searches.

Re: TV series from IMDB

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:46 am
by MikeB
sjk wrote: I think something like DVD Hunter's Autocomplete preview sheet would work nicely for that and for making selections from other multi-result searches.
Thanks for the tip. I wish that DvdPedia had that function as well. I don't know if I did something wrong, but when I searched for a series (Amazon UK) in DVD Hunter, I got 10 results. However, when I went to Amazon UK, I got 178. That's a pretty big difference. I also don't understand why it doesn't include searches for IMDB.

Conor, I wish you'd take a look at this program and see whether some of that search function could also work in DVDPedia.