Page 1 of 1 Search; Column Headings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:51 pm
by e123
I'd like to be able to go to Advanced/Search, like we can do with Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I do 99% of my online book buying at

I would also like to be able to label columns to suit my own needs. For example, instead of having to label a column as "sold", I'd like to have the flexibility to label the column as "traded" or "donated to". I am far more likely to trade a book then to sell it, and I occasionally donate hardcover books to a local library. Thanks

Re: Search; Column Headings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:40 am
by Nora
We're trying to limit new search plug-in additions to sites that provide an API for developers since that makes the writing and maintenance of the plug-in much easier for us. But if you have some programming experience you could also write a plug-in yourself. For more information about that, take a look at our plug-in page.

You can use one of the custom fields to assign your own title, such as 'Traded' or 'Donated'. You'll find the option to change the custom field titles in the Preferences/General.

Re: Search; Column Headings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:09 am
by Conor
If you need to change the name for the built in fields you can take advantage of the localization system to do so. This is not a supported tip, but inside the program there is a file located at Bookpedia/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/RealTitles.strings that carries the translations. You can update the translation to change the field title:

Code: Select all

"sold" = "Traded";
Thank you for the tip, since it's parent company is eBay it most likely means that it should be searchable from the eBay API. I will take a look at creating a plug-in for

Re: Search; Column Headings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:01 pm
by e123
Thank you all very much for your constructive and helpful responses. I have changed some custom column headings, and I eagerly await the results of Conor's plug-in efforts.