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Three small mentions about DVDpedia

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:48 pm
by iBoy
1. In cover flow the covers are always a bit blurry, regardless of size. Even if the original cover is much larger, it looks always a bit blurry in cover flow. Why is that?

2. Why isn't there a scroll bar in cover flow, like we find in OS X Finder and iTunes?

3. About the three small buttons in the tool bar to change the view style: If we press the first button, we get what we in OS X call a list view (in the menu line you call it table view), but the button shows what we in OS X call a column view. So the symbol on the first button is actually wrong, it should have been the list symbol with four small horizontal strokes. You can open a Finder window to compare and see what I mean.

I can live with all of these small things of course, I just wanted to mention them :-)

Re: Three small mentions about DVDpedia

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:31 pm
by thajeztah
iBoy wrote:So the symbol on the first button is actually wrong
You know, I've never even noticed that until you mentioned it! You're absolutely right, it -is- the wrong symbol. Great 'find' :)

Re: Three small mentions about DVDpedia

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:46 pm
by sjk
thajeztah wrote:I've never even noticed that until you mentioned it!
Every time I've looked at that button I've felt something was amiss but have been too lazy to completely realize what it was. Thanks to iBoy it's really obvious now. :)

Re: Three small mentions about DVDpedia

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:10 am
by Nora
There is no scroll bar in the Coverflow because we've had to write our own version of Coverflow since Apple only shares a sample of the code, not the full version. That's why it's tricky to get the same smooth scrolling and appearance. (You can hook into the Cover Flow API but it's private and we wouldn't do that for a shipping application like DVDpedia.)
This is also why the covers have that slight blurry look. Because we have to use CoreImage and CoreAnimation to make up our own version of Coverflow, the quality of the image suffers unfortunately. But we're always working on improving the Pedias and hopefully we'll be able to present a smoother Coverflow in the future.

The view button is fixed with 4.5.3 - thanks for pointing that out.

Re: Three small mentions about DVDpedia

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:36 am
by iBoy
Thank you for clearing up about the cover flow. Now I understand why it isn't exactly like Apple's cover flows.

I've known about the view button for several years, but I thought it was a too small thing to mention :-)