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IMDb link in DVDPedia HTML export

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:40 pm
by Nanook
Hi Guys,

Thought about adding a link to a film's imdb page in the HTML export feature, and found there wasn't a tag to do so. The "imdb" tag gives the imdb number, which is a start, and the "url" tag generates a very long Amazon link, but it would be great to have a little link people could click on to take them to the imdb page.

P.S. How is box set support coming? Yet another year is almost passed with no sign of my #1 feature request. *nudge nudge* ;)

Re: IMDb link in DVDPedia HTML export

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:22 am
by Nora
You have to hard code it into the template like this:

Code: Select all[key:imdb]/
That'll create the IMDb link automatically, using the IMDb number of the entry.

Re: IMDb link in DVDPedia HTML export

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:22 am
by Nanook
Duh... ;) Thanks Nora! That actually gave me an idea.

And how 'bout box set handling?

Re: IMDb link in DVDPedia HTML export

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:03 pm
by Conor
That is one that we have on the to do list for a while as it involves a lot of work. It's also one that would require the whole UI to be remade and the database restructured, so we won't even attempt it except with a major version change. With 5.0 we are might be able to drop Tiger support and that will help in making this more of a possibility.