Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

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Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

Post by Eric »

Is it possible that LOC is not being accessed? I never get any LCC codes in my searches, and I just scanned a relatively recent book that has an ISBN, but nothing was found for it. I'm using Bookpedia 4.5.4 on OS 10.5.7 (Leopard).
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Re: Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

Post by Conor »

Could you please let us know the title of the book and the ISBN, so we can repeat the search?
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Re: Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

Post by Eric »

Title: Five Smooth Stones by Rand Hummel. ISBN 978-9815235-0-7.
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Re: Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

Post by Conor »

The number you gave only has 12 digits an EAN 13 ISBN (that do start with 978) would have 13 digits? Also searching by title and author I cannot find the record directly on the LOC site.
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Re: Bookpedia: Is Library of Congress (LOC) being accessed?

Post by Eric »

Conor wrote:The number you gave only has 12 digits an EAN 13 ISBN (that do start with 978) would have 13 digits? Also searching by title and author I cannot find the record directly on the LOC site.
Well, well, well, did I ever do an "oops". You're totally right! It's supposed to have another "0" in there and be 978-0-9815235-0-7. But, even that didn't help me with the LOC website. I searched under the author's name and other books came up, but not this one. And the right ISBN doesn't yield anything, either. Oh, well. I guess I was under the impression that if a book had an ISBN it would necessarily be in the LOC database. My experience says that's just not so.
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