Wonderful program! The more I use it the more I like it! Thanks.
I have set one custom field to "Personal classification #". I have a list of classifications and names that is rather extensive. Is it possible to propagate the auto-fill list for a custom field from an external file, say .xls or other spreadsheet file or comma-delimited file or even a .txt or .doc/.odt file? My entries are like this:
000. Bible
001. Concordance
002. Atlas
003. Bible Introductions/Surveys
304. Contemporary Theology
380. Application of Theology
380.001 Application of Theology -General
380.101 Love
380.102 Gentleness
380.20 Family
380.201 Family - General
380.202 Family - Husband
401.01 Biography-Christian-Early Church period
401.02 Biography-Christian-Medieval Church period
402. Biography-Religious-non-Christian
403.01 Biography-Secular-literary
I would delete the general headings that I don't want any books classified as (I want them sub-categorized), and import the list, if possible.