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Import from EyeTV

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:01 pm
by hermann20

Since a few days or weeks (I'm not sure) the import from EyeTV to DVDPedia doesn't work proper. Before I could with drag and drop a EyeTV File to the DVDPedia Icon in the dock move and the import was successful. All attributes got into DVDPedia, the cover as well.

New, the Import is the same, but only a few attributes go into DVDPedia. The cover place in DVDPedia is no empty.

Does anybody have an idea how i can solve this problem? I think, it's a bug, because a friend tried the same and the result was the same like by me.


Re: Import from EyeTV

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:19 pm
by sjk
About a week ago I briefly noticed missing metadata when importing EyeTV recordings but haven't had time to investigate details. Now that I've merged most EyeTV recordings onto a single drive I'll eventually try importing them more seriously, hopefully relatively soon, and will report any unexpected results.

Re: Import from EyeTV

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:52 pm
by hermann20
Yes, please do that, I'm very interested about the results. Thank you.


Re: Import from EyeTV

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:25 am
by Conor
Hi Hermann.

Could be that EyeTV changed the format of some of their information. I haven't had problems with the latest version 3.3 (5847). But please send me some sample files that you are having trouble with. To reduce the size of the EyeTV files make copies of the files and use control-click to "Show Package Contents". Inside you can remove the actual movie files and just leave the text files (KB in size) and the cover tiff image. Compress two or three of these files together and email them to our support email and I can run them here and find out if any information is not being imported. Thank you.

Re: Import from EyeTV

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:46 pm
by hermann20
Hello Conor

I made with Time Machine a downgrad to DVDPedia 4.5.3. Now it works fine again. So i think, the bug is in version 4.5.4.
I like Time Machine more and more ;-)
