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Bookpedia: No more bubbles?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:31 am
by Shifty Gray
I am not sure how they are called, and I am even unsure if this was a previous feature, but I think it was. You used to be able to type for example an author name, press Enter, and then it would turn into a 'bubble'. Hereafter you could enter more authors. Now this no longer happens, it just becomes a normal string. If you add more than one author you get a 1 string of many authors, which looks kinda ridiculous under the Statistics section.

Is this a bug?

Re: Bookpedia: No more bubbles?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:55 am
by Nora
The bubbles denote a multivalue field of which Bookpedia has a few but Author was never one of them. We do plan to include it in the future but it'll be a tricky conversion since for the multivalue the default separator is a comma and some users write the author name "Last, First" so Bookpedia during the conversion would see this is two authors instead of one. Once we figure out a way around that, we'll make the Author field multivalue as well.

Re: Bookpedia: No more bubbles?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:05 am
by Shifty Gray
Ah I see, I think I must have gotten it confused with Apple Mail then.

I think there might be 2 solutions though. Instead of making Enter finish the editing and going back to the library view, it could instead serve as the 'done with entering the name/genre/whatever'-key. Kinda similar to how it already works with the things that already form bubbles. In fact, I am starting to fail to see how it is a problem with authors and not genre-names.

Another solution would be to separate author names with the ';' key.

I find the first solution personally more elegant, and I hope this helps in implementing this feature. Either way, thanks for the quick reply!