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*Pedia 4.5.4: Shouldn't "Mark As Bought" set "Purchased On"?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:48 pm
by jenv
I find it weird that when I mark a Wishlist item as Bought with Shift-Command-R, it does not set the Purchased On field to today's date. Alternately, marking an item as Wishlist with Shift-Command-L should clear the Purchased On field.

Re: *Pedia 4.5.4: Shouldn't "Mark As Bought" set "Purchased On"?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:54 am
by Conor
The next version will have mark as bought also set the purchased on field to the current date if not already set. For that I had to change the shortcut to command-shift-K to make it different from "Mark as Returned". I did not change it to remove the information on mark as wish list since removing data should always be done explicitly and not as a side effect.

Re: *Pedia 4.5.4: Shouldn't "Mark As Bought" set "Purchased

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:31 am
by Cintra
Its a while since the above post, and I have run into the problem that Mark as Bought from the wish list doesn't result in the current date either in Date added or Purchased on.. my Bookpedia version is 4.6.2.
In fact, it did fill in the current date for an item added to the wish list today, but a second item bought today shows the Date when added to the wish list.. not very useful information for me.

Can we expect a solution soon?


Re: *Pedia 4.5.4: Shouldn't "Mark As Bought" set "Purchased

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:06 pm
by Conor
Date added will always be the day that the entry was added to the database.

Purchased On will be the date that "Mark as Bought" was used if not already filled out by the user.