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Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:19 pm
by gg66
Hi André,

I got the same problem when importing my music collection in CDpedia. So I modified all columns with date in the CSV file with Excel. I used the string function STX to extract part of the date. STX need argument: STX(string, start position, number of characters). You extract the portions of the string you need and write them in another order in a new column.

If for example you have a date field in column H, insert a new column just after this one. If the cells H2 to H450 (H1 is probably the title) contain date with the format then write the following formula in the second row of the new column I:
and you will have date in format mm.dd.yy in the cell I2
If you are happy with this result, copy the formula to all cells under I2 by dragging the little square on the right bottom corner of cell I2 till the end of the column.

Note: in order to work, all date field should be in text format inside Excel.


Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:26 am
by Conor
DVDpedia should interpret the date based on the ordering in the format tab under "Language and Text" in your "System Preferences".

Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:14 pm
by superfabio
I have the same problem on DVDPedia 5.03.
When I try to import a csv file with the date set to DD/MM/YYYY, DVDPedia exchanges days and months, so all the records with the 13th day and on are lost.
My system preferences are set to DD/MM/YYYY.


Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:46 am
by Conor
Thank you for the bug report, seems it was a bug in the old Apple date API. Do try the beta version as it should now read your preferences correctly.

Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:47 am
by superfabio
Hello Connor, thanks for your reply.
I tried the beta version but unfortunately the problem is still present.
I hope for a solution asap because I need to import all my excel database.

Thanks again, Fabio.

Re: DVDpedia 4.5.4: Date issue at CSV import

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:50 am
by Conor
Hi Fabio,

I can't replicate it with the beta version, the dates will import as stated by your System Preferences -> International -> Formats. Please do send me your file so that I can test with your actual data, instead of my testing files. You'll find our email on the Support page.