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Problem Syncing with Pocketpedia2

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:35 pm
by jed
I had been able to sync with NO problems....but
I have DVDPedia v4.5.5; PoketPedia2; MacOS 10.4.11 and I get these two problems. (DVDPedia is working as normal).
1. On PPedia2: "Synchronizing... Requesting details: 0 of 0." ----which sticks until I Cancel.
2. On PPedia2: "Synchronizing... Please be sure to have Pedia version 4.5.4 or higher on your Mac." ---I have v4.5.5.

Any ideas, Thanks,

Re: Problem Syncing with Pocketpedia2

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:53 am
by Nora
Try creating a network on your computer and connecting the iPhone directly to that instead of your regular wireless connection. You can do so under the Airport menu in your menu bar > Create Network. Then connect your iPhone to that same network and try the sync again.