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[DVDPedia] YesAsia plugin: adding by Catalog No

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:07 pm
by martial
Good Day,

I am trying to add a few DVDs that I could find on but that the system can not find there using the UPC.
I did an "Add" specifying the site as "yesasia" but then I only get 20 returns (and not always of the proper DVD/edition), and when I try a more complex search I have less entries but the version I want is not listed.
I am able to find the exact edition I have on the website, but can not get the search to find that specific edition for me.
Is there a way to add the DVD by telling the software either the URL or the catalog no since the search does not return all possibilities ?

Thank you for your help on this matter,

-- Martial

Re: [DVDPedia] YesAsia plugin: adding by Catalog No

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:53 am
by Conor
You can do searches by UPC number on yesasia that should return a single result. Otherwise, I have updated the yesasia plug-in in DVDpedia beta 17 to also take into account the URL for an entry. Adding a DVD manually where all the fields are blank (command-shift-F) and copying the URL for a DVD from the yesasia website into the URL field and then using the gear button to select yesasia will bring all the details for that URL.

Re: [DVDPedia] YesAsia plugin: adding by Catalog No

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:05 pm
by martial
I have just tried and confirm it did work (expect for some reason the DVD title was "unknown", but that is a simple issue to fix for now).

Many thanks for keeping the tools so efficient.

-- Martial