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Editor in Gamepedia - and templating websites

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:06 am
by Vampyre
Hello all,

I'm a switcher, and it's now a few months since I got my first iMac... I'm very happy with what I bought... Unfortunately, I had applications under Windows that are non compatible with mac. And I now discovered your fantastic software, which do exactly what my old program was doing (exception made it was working on its own database)... Anyway, I'm quite satisfied with the software I bought from you (Bookpedia, Gamepedia, and DVDPedia)...

On DVDPedia, I don't seem to find a problem... It's working fine, unless the scanning with iSight, but after a check of your forums, it seems it is normal with my iMac 27". Shame, but ok... I can live with it... (weird though, because Delicious Library scans perfectly)

Anyway, on gamepedia, I'm encountering some problems... I tried to import a game (Blazing Angels for the Xbox 360 to say everything). But it seems the editor is not referenced (i'm not sure it's the editor, my program is in french). I wanted to add it manually, but when I edit the game, I don't find any possibility to add some information on the editor, or anything else that is not referenced originally... How can I do to add those informations manually ?

Also, I wanted to know if it was possible to create some templates to import data from websites that are not supported by the software by default. I know that everything is linked to parsing data, but is it possible to create it ourselves ?

Thanks for answering,


Re: Editor in Gamepedia - and templating websites

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:35 am
by marumari
The different Pedia softwares have different fields available to edit. Games - as far as I know - don't have editors per se, in the same way that movies do. They have Publishers and Developing companies, and, occasionally, you might know the Lead Programmer.

That said, if you want an Editor field available, you can do this:

Go to the Gamepedia menu (in the corner) -> Preferences... -> General -> Change "Custom 1" to "Editor" -> Go to the Fields button -> Scroll down to "Custom 1" (it you leave Preferences, it will have changed to "Editor"), and change "Extras" to "Main". Now, when you edit the information for any game, you will see an easily editable "Editor" field.

Hope that helps!

Re: Editor in Gamepedia - and templating websites

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:36 am
by marumari
Oh, also, if you're not seeing fields that weren't there originally, when you edit an entry, make sure to click the "Show All" button, in the lower left hand corner of the entry. That will show all the empty fields.

Re: Editor in Gamepedia - and templating websites

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:09 am
by Vampyre

Thanks for your reply...

Let me correct some statements, it seems I made some mistakes with the translation...

So, the field I'm trying to add, which is empty, are the Publishers... That's quite important for me sorting up things...

I found without problem your custom field, but I confirm now, it's the publishers i want to add...

Also, I'm trying out finding your "show all" button... And I don't know where that is... Let me try to sort out for you... I have the main window... I have plus and minus sign in the main, which add new libraries... I have in the main windows my created titles. I double click on a title, and got an extra window, with 3 parts : main, extra, and links. I have the image imported on the left hand side, and information on the right. Below that, I have... Forget it lol.. It was right there...

I had a button which is translated into french like "bring all to first view"... When I click on it, it's bringing it... I'm sorry, and thank you for your help... Perhaps a bad translation...

If any developer reads it, maybe it's better to translate that little button below the picture "Montrer tous les champs" rather than "Tout ramener au premier plan".

Thanks again,


Re: Editor in Gamepedia - and templating websites

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:51 pm
by Conor
Montrer tous les champs
Thank you for the updated translation.