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I would like to share my ratings with other users!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:19 am
by marek
Hello all!

What about a user forum, where you are able to share your ratings with others? A simple export button on your DVDpedia would publish your ratings on this forum here. With or without your own comments. Would be fun and a possibility, to discuss with others your favorites and the losers in the world of film ...

Best greetings


Re: I would like to share my ratings with other users!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:31 am
by Conor
A very interesting idea, thank you for sharing.

Re: I would like to share my ratings with other users!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:01 pm
by noribori
I would like to share my ratings with friends. Here's how it could work:
If a friend (who uses DVDpedia) sends me his exported ratings, I drop it onto my own DVDpedia. The list is stored until it is overwritten with an updated version. The list of his ratings has its own column in list view. His rating is also shown in the Info window as additional rating.

What about those movies which are not in my own collection? DVDpedia could create a new collection, like "Quentin's recommendations", which contains only those leftover movies. DVDpedia would handle a Recommendation List like a Wish List. (The exported ratings would have to include some more information, like IMDb-ID, Title, Year, Director).
Whenever I add a new movie to my own collection, DVDpedia compares, and if it is in a Recommendation List, the entry is removed from it and its rating is added to the new movie. (Whenever a movie is removed it would be the other way around.)

Of course, the number of fields is limited, but a user could have the choice to make one of the customizable fields into a new rating field. So what would happen, if I drop exported ratings on DVDpedia? I suppose, DVDpedia should ask me, to which field the ratings belong (Quentin? Sophia?), and if there isn't any field, I would be asked to create one.
Or maybe it would be easier to have only one dedicated field for Ratings/Recommendations, but it could have several entries (Quentin=3.5, Sophia=3)
Well, maybe it's a bit complicated – I'm not sure everyone would like it and use it.

Re: I would like to share my ratings with other users!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:59 pm
by marek
Wow! Great idea! Would be fantastic! You are thinking locally from your HD.

I was thinking publicly with internet:

The server of bruji would make a statistic of your taste and profile. When posting your ratings on, the server would suggest a profile, which is close to yours. Is "Ping" of iTunes not the same idea (I never activated it)? And when they get married, is offering 5 DVDs of the taste of both ...
