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Two FRs: Import from Web Page / Find and Replace

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:40 am
by EricBarstad
Hi there,

I just bought Gamepedia to round out my 'pedia collection and I thought of a feature that would be nice to have. I've got a recipe program called YummySoup, which allows you to import recipes from the web. It lets you go to a website within the app and when you choose import, you can select text and associate that text with a particular field (e.g., directions, ingredients, yield, etc.). When you click "Import," all the text you selected gets pulled into the app.

I think something like this would be great for the 'pedias. For example, I want to add games to my library that are only on Xbox Live Arcade. If I could go to the appropriate page on the web and import through Gamepedia, that would be awesome and a little faster and easier than the manual import method.

Also, I'd really love the ability to do a search and replace within Gamepedia. For example, I want to change the "Platform" for about 100 or so of my games and multi-edit doesn't seem to work quite right for this.

Thanks for the great apps.

Re: Two FRs: Import from Web Page / Find and Replace

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:27 am
by Conor
Automatically setting up an import for a web page in the program sounds convenient. Although I can guess how they are technically achieving it, I will download YummySoup and take a look at the interface. Thank you for the suggestion.

Because the platform field is a multi-value field it's a bit tricky in the multiple edit. If you enter a value into the multiple edit for 100 games, it's ambiguous wether you want to append that value or replace the current value. To avoid confusion and losing data it always defaults to append. In order to replace all first check the platform multi-edit field and leave blank and press okay. This first step will empty out platform for 100 games and then run multiple-edit again and add your new platform value.

Re: Two FRs: Import from Web Page / Find and Replace

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:10 pm
by marumari
Those recipe programs all generally have built-in parsers for sites specifically coded -- and therefore frequently updated -- or they have you copy the text to your clipboard and then let you import from your clipboard. You can then select each individual section, and it imports it for you. My partner (a chef) uses this feature all the time. All the time!