"Recent Edits" in Smart Collection

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"Recent Edits" in Smart Collection

Post by adamhh »

Is it possible to create a smart collection that contains recently edited entries, similar to those one can create these for recent buys and recent views?

Although I'd find this very useful, I ask more in hope than expectation.

All the best for the New Year.
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Re: "Recent Edits" in Smart Collection

Post by Nora »

Yes, that's possible. 'Date Modified' is the smart collection criterium you want to set. For example "Date Modified is in the last (days) 10" to get all those entries you've edited in the last 10 days.
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Re: "Recent Edits" in Smart Collection

Post by adamhh »

Duh! There all along! I couldn't see the wood for the tree structures!

Thanks - so handy...
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