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CDpedia feature request other pedias might benefit too

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:31 am
by Crady
Hi there,

I am starting a new topic to keep it English only to ensure not only German speakers can read and understand my requests.

Well, after spending some time on CDpedia yesterday, four points came in to my mind I really would love to see in future versions:

1.) After adding a CD by scanning the barcode, CDpedia will download further information from Amazon - but it does not download information about the tracks on that CD. To add the tracks I have to use that little cog wheel in the information screen and have to choose "FreeDB". That works quite good, but mostly more than one hit are available - but the his are shown as a short description only. To choose the right hit I am looking at the amount and names of the tracks. But this is a bit complicated atm: If I select one of the hits, it automatically stores the tracklist and I only can click abort and perform a new search if I have chosen the wrong hit.

What I would like to have is to choose the first freeDB hit and then I can use the arrow keys to browse them until I find the correct hit and then press OK to store the information.

2.) This is a feature that will be added soon, Nora told me yesterday. I just would like to be able to rightclick a CD and to be able to perform a search for the cover at google pictures. This function in the context menu should grab Title and Artist and should open the internet browser (windowed and at the right part of the screen in the foreground - if possible - so you can drag/drop the findings directly without moving and resizing screens) and perform a google pictures search for that title/artist combination.

3.) Not sure if this function already exists... It would be nice to move e.g. all entries without cover or without track information in to a extra library. So I donĀ“t have to browse the whole collection to perform a cover and track information search.

4.) Not sure if this function already exist too... It would be nice to be able to merge several CDs in to one. I mean if you have a CD that has 2 or more CDs in one jewel case, some users of your program might like to store that CD in one entry in the library, but would like to see all CDs / Tracks in the information in that entry - other users of course like to have a entry for each CD in that compilation. If I use the scan CD option to identify a CD in my CD-rom drive the result may be "Artist / Title / CD1" and the second CD will be "Artist / Title / CD2". I would like to merge these two entries in to one (Artist / Title - but track information for both CDs)

Re: CDpedia feature request other pedias might benefit too

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:24 pm
by Nora
Most of these points will be fixed in the next big version update but just to break it down:

1) will be fixed in the next major update.

2) will be included in the next major update although whether Google as a specific search option will be included isn't sure yet.

3) smart collections based on cover/no cover will be part of the next major update. As for empty tracks, you can already create a smart collection to filter out those entries that don't have any tracks by using the criteria: "Any Track Name is [blank]"

4) merging might come in the future, it's on our list of possible features, thanks for adding your vote. (You can already merge or separate tracks for a given entry, i.e. to create separate discs. Just select all tracks for one disc in the Tracks tab of the Edit window, ctrl-click and choose 'Split selection to new disc' or similarly, select all tracks that should go together on one disc, ctrl-click and choose 'Join selection to previous disc'.)