DVD pedia search plugins

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DVD pedia search plugins

Post by Morphy »

I have two questions/requests regarding the search plugins.

1. Maybe I just have not noticed yet, but it seems to me like DVD pedia stops at the first and best match it can find. In most cases, this is correct and I am satisfied with the result. But what if it somehow is not the right version, lack of details, etc. If the software finds a perfect match in Amazon.com, it looks like it does not continue to scan IMDB or other sites for more information (that might be more accurate). Is this right?

2. Since I am from Norway, I have a lot of Norwegian films or Norwegian distributed films in my collection. This causes problems for the software, as there are currently no search plugins for Norwegian sites. I noticed there are Swedish though, so maybe it would be possible to add a Norwegian one as well? I don't know the requirements for a site to be functional as a search plugin, but at least here are two good online DVD stores in Norway:
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Re: DVD pedia search plugins

Post by Conor »

1. It does indeed stop at the first match. You can then use the gear button on the bottom right of the add panel to gather more results on top from your preferred sites.

2. Thank you for the link. A site requires an API, that is a way for a computer to communicate with it and get structure results back that can be understood by a computer program. Neither of these site currently has an API. We are working on bringing more international support to the Pedias, including the download of information.
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