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Smarter DVDPedia Smart Playlists?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:21 pm
by arb
I am going through my DVDpedia library and building some smart playlists to help organise my collection but have run into a few stumbling blocks.

1) It would be very nice to be able to use other playlists as criteria for a smart playlist. For example, I have a smart playlist which contains all my ripped movies (where File URL is not empty) and it would be great to be able to simply select "Playlist / is / Ripped Movies" as a criteria in a new smart playlist.

2) The match options for the criteria are not complete - there is "contains" and "does not contain", "is" and "is not", but only "starts with" and "ends with" with no corresponding "does not start with", "does not end with".

3) RegExps in the criteria would be extremely useful! I am building some playlists to group my titles alphabetically. To do this I have to have criteria like: "Match / Any" - "Title / Starts With / A", "Title / Starts With / B", "Title / Starts With / C", etc. A RegEx would make this so much simpler. 8^)

Re: Smarter DVDPedia Smart Playlists?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:06 am
by noisyscott
You can already do the following
1) to use other Collections as a criteria, use the "Movie" field and you can now choose "is in collection" or "is not in collection"

For the other two suggestions
2) could be solved with regex
3) +1!