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CdPedia requests

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:01 am
by ragana
I'm a new CDpedia user, I must say that surely it's the best collector software I tried.
Anyway exixsts some features I miss. The most important one it's the way to handle boxsets. I added the Cds individually (and linked between them), but I don't like the results, I think must exist a native feature to do it.
One more thing...
It's good to have my music database in my iMac, but as music collector I would need to browse my entire collection offline while I'm away from home, an app like pocketpedia (I've read about it) could be great to syncronize the info with mi iphone.
waiting for the next upgrades...

Re: CdPedia requests

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:45 am
by Conor
Thank you for your thoughts on CDpedia, it's important to know first impressions of the program as well as those who have been using it for years.