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DVDpedia "Show in Finder" option for links

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:38 pm
by noisyscott

I have a small but growing number of media files stored on a NAS and recently had to do some data re-organization and found myself reflexively looking for the iTunes "Show in Finder" command (or Shift+Cmd+R) when managing some DVDpedia links. I imagine it would be possible to implement as a Right+Click on the link in the info view. Not sure how that would work if the link was an URL rather than a file path, but you all are so smart, I am sure you can figure that bit out :-)

As always, thanks for the Pedias!

Re: DVDpedia "Show in Finder" option for links

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:58 am
by Nora
Thanks for the suggestion, definitely sounds like something the Pedias are missing. We'll try and add that for the next release.