Hi - I have now imported some 80 cd's (by individually scanning cd's) into a 'CD library' and have noted the single and double notes where the track has been found in my itunes library. I have also imported my itunes library which is now sat there with it's grey icon. There are some 90 albums - some from my collection, some purchased, some from discs no longer owned, etc. I like this as its easy to see where my music is and if duplicated. What would be the practical effect of 'making this collection part of the library'. I can understand it isn't part of the library now, but can't get my head round the practicalities of actually incorporating it. Sorry to be so basic but it's really bugging me!! Ps super program .
It's really up to you and how you want to use CDpedia - if you'd rather keep your iTunes library apart from other entries in the program then keep the iTunes library as is in the excluded collection. Some users prefer to see everything together 'under one roof', for example to easier find duplicates or just to see how many entries they have by one artist.
But there is no right or wrong use, just do whatever works best for you!
Thanks Nora, after a nights sleep and with a refreshed brain cell, I did incorporate the itunes library (as you correctly said good to have everything under one roof). However before incorporating I gave the whole selection a location "iTunes", and added location to my columns, simple really, and I can now see everything I want (I think!). I can tell if I have the CD, only a digital copy, or both - shows as a duplicate. The app gets better, DVD's next?