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DVDpedia: Tag Behavior

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:48 pm
by joel
Tag Behavior in DVDpedia is different from my experience with tagging in other applications.

I would like to see the following changes to the implementation of "tags" in DVDpedia:

1) Visually display tags as blue-bubbles, like you do in the Edit Window. I am not sure if this should only be for tag-specific fields, or if it should also work that way for people and other fields. But the tag-specific fields should display "like tags".

2) Supposedly, you are supposed to be able to enter a "known" tag by typing part of a word, followed by a comma. But this only works for me if the tag field only includes one value. As soon as I enter two values, I can no longer abbreviate an entry (for example type "act, sci, sus, hor" and have it fill in "Action, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Horror"). But even if it was working the way that support is telling me it should work, it isn't what I am used to. Usually tagging applications try to auto-complete the tag as you type - as soon as the app recognized the tag, it starts to draw the blue bubble, to accept the auto entry, you would type the right arrow (not the comma), and the blue bubble tag would appear and let you start typing the next tag.

Re: DVDpedia: Tag Behavior

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:30 pm
by sjk
Since you've also posted about item 2 in a separate DVDpedia: Entering Tags Bug Reports topic it's not clear whether you'd prefer any followups here or there.

Re: DVDpedia: Tag Behavior

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:57 pm
by joel
Well one is a specific bug report - one specific feature is not working as designed.

This post is a change of the design of two features, regardless of the bug.

Re: Tag Behavior

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:46 am
by Nora
1) The list view is primarily for viewing your data in an quick and easy to read way. We don't want to clutter it up with the blue bubbles so that'll probably stay the way it is, thanks for the feedback though.

2) Please refer to your other post for my reply.