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Gamepedia: play history request

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:35 am
by vicgon
First of all, congratulations for the excellent products you are providing. I have been using bookepedia for about four years now and the utility is really outstanding. Recently, I acquired gamepedia to organize an extensive board game collection. As expected, the application is extremely easy to use (the Boargamegeek search tool makes adding new games a straightforward process) and the visual look of the catalogued games is gorgeous.

I'd like to suggest, however, to be considered for future revisions of the product, a more developed 'play history' per game (which currently contains only two fields: date played and comments), in the line of, for example, the "Record Play" under "Your Plays" in Boardgamegeek, which includes information on dates, location, quantity of plays per date, length, number and name of players, individual scores, winner(s), etc. This would be a nice improvement to an already excellent piece of software.

Kind regards