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Collections that Combine Wish List and Library

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:54 pm
by jeorge089
Here is my scenario: I have quite a few books in both my Wish List, and Library. I want to be able to keep track of the books I've read from year to year, so I've created a "2012" collection for example, into which I put all the books I've read so far this year. The problem comes up when I want to add to this collection a book in my Wish List that I've read. When I do this, it is also automatically added to my Library, which is not correct. If I exclude the list from my Library, I cannot put books in it from my Library.

Adding another collection type that can take books from both the Library and collections excluded from the library, without changing the original contents of either the Library or the excluded collection seems like the solution that makes the most sense.

Is this or something else that solves my problem a possibility for a future release?

Re: Collections that Combine Wish List and Library

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:12 am
by Nora
Create a smart collection that automatically assembles the information for you (for example with the criteria "Last read is after 31/12/2011" AND "Last read is before 1/1/2013"). Then check the option to "Include library-independent entries in smart collections" in the Preferences/General. That'll use all collections, excluded or not, to build the smart collection so both entries from your Library and your Wish List will be included.

Re: Collections that Combine Wish List and Library

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:57 pm
by jeorge089
Thanks! I'll give that a try.