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DVDpedia html export works in GoodReader on iPad, iPhone

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:27 am
by raize
I have used the iPhone-Safari-maxi Template to export my DVDpedia Library for viewing on my iPad and iPhone in GoodReader, and it works very nicely. Carry the data with you - no need to have it on a server. And more dynamic and easier to browse than pdfs.

Since I have a lot of tv series, I sort the Library by name, then season, then series. This puts movies, with no series at the top of the list. I then export with pages separated alphabetically by word, and select "export images". The template groups by series, with movies in a series called #. Of course, it will group differently, if you sort differently. (You need to click the button labelled "Genre" to see the series list, if you sort as I do).

Zip the export folder, and add the zip file to GoodReader, via iTunes or however you prefer. Open GoodReader and touch the zip file, say yes when you are asked if you want to unzip it, go to the unzipped folder, and find index.html, and away you go. I star index.html so that I can find it again easily.

Of course, this is read only, and not a full Pocketpedia, but still useful. This maxi template exports lots of info, organised nicely, and GoodReader displays it well.

You need to delete the zip file and the Library folder on your iPad before you install an updated library via iTunes- it doesn't overwrite nicely.

To make the GoodReader nav bars (a minor irritation) disappear quickly, tap the centre of the screen with 3 fingers.

Re: DVDpedia html export works in GoodReader on iPad, iPhone

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:40 am
by raize
Pocketpedia for iPhone & iPad is now out (hurrah) and cheap, and this really supersedes my post. I find the sync just works, which is saying something with syncing.

The pedias aren't perfect, of course, but I like them; hope DVDpedia works for you.