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Bookpedia 5.1 alternate icons

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:46 am
by designer
I installed Bookpedia 5.1 and then checkmark.pediaextras and circleminus.pediaextras. After I restarted, instead of getting new icons, they have entirely disappeared from Bookpedia, both in the frame with the books, i.e. the "Wish List," and from the collection list in the sidebar.

Re: Bookpedia 5.1 alternate icons

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:54 am
by Nora
I'm not sure what might have gone wrong during the installation to prevent the images from appearing in your source column but try installing them manually, see if that makes a difference.
Ctrl-click circleminus.pediaextras file and choose 'Show package contents/Images'. Then copy the 'borrowed.png' file into the Resources folder under Contents/Resources. (You also have to ctrl-click Bookpedia and choose 'Show package contents' to see the Contents/Resources/ folder.) Restart Bookpedia and you will see the red circle next to the borrowed collection instead of the default icon.

Repeat for the checkmar.pediaextras file.

Re: Bookpedia 5.1 alternate icons

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:09 pm
by designer
Thank you, that worked.

Re: Bookpedia 5.1.3 alternate icons

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:56 am
by designer

Just wanted to drop a note that I did the same action of dropping the alternate icons in the Resources folder for the latest version (5.1.3) and it worked. (It is a shame that you no longer keep those alternate icons on your Support download page. They are nice.)
