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Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:19 pm
by shipwreck
I upgraded all of my Pedias to the latest versions today and bought the Pocketpedia3 app as well. Initial sync went fine with Gamepedia and the 2000+ entries are all there, but not all the artwork is showing. Trying to sync again just gives me a "requesting collections" screen and then it goes away without changing anything. The same thing happens when I try to sync my Bookpedia collection. It recognizes that I have Bookpedia open on my Mac, but doesn't do anything to sync with it other that "requesting collections". Any ideas how to get this syncing properly?

Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:45 pm
by Nora
Try doing the first sync via the USB iTunes option. To do that, connect your mobile device to iTunes and select Pocketpedia 3 at the bottom of the 'Apps' tab in iTunes. Then go into Gamepedia, hold down the Option key and from the Help menu choose 'Export for Pocketpedia'. Add the exported "For Pocketpedia" file into the Pocketpedia 3 Documents section in iTunes to import into Pocketpedia 3. When it's finished copying the file, run Pocketpedia 3 to see your collections. Repeat the same for Bookpedia.

The sync via iTunes is one-way only so it's not ideal but to do the initial sync where all the covers have to come along, this should do the trick. Subsequent syncs, where only changed and newly added entries have to be synched, you shouldn't have any further trouble.

Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:22 am
by dagopher

I'm having the same issue. The first sync via wifi went smoothly. Now it doesn't work any more.

I've done the recommended solution here using the USB sync to my iTouch and that worked just fine. However when I tried to do a wireless sync immediately after that it still failed. My touch is reporting 'Pedia Not Found - Please launch or restart the Pedia program on your Mac.' I'm trying to use Bookpedia.

I've got Bookpedia running on my mac and have disabled firewalls on my mac for testing if that might be interfering - no improvements, still fails. I've tried rebooting the iTouch, but that didn't help.

I'm open to suggestions. Any recommendations on how to debug this. I'll be happy to supply what ever info you need if you just tell me where to look.

System info: OSX 1.6.8
ISO info: 5.1


Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:52 pm
by dagopher
Somehow, my syncing has started working again. I've been arguing with iTunes all weekend over some music stupidity and have been syncing and resyncing my pod. Occationally I would fire up Bookpedia or Pocketpedia and try a wi-fi sync again. Until now it's simply failed. But now, it seems to be working again. There's definitely something going on. If I can define any more criteria of what, I'll let you know.


Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:24 am
by Nora
Have you tried restarting Bookpedia? Since your sync worked the first time there's obviously something interfering with the programs 'seeing' each other now. Do you have Bluetooth on? Try turning that off and see if the sync works then.

You can also try creating a direct network on your Mac through the Airport menu (at the very top of your screen, the little quarter pie that shows the strength of your signal). Select "Create Network", name the network whatever you like and then go into the Settings app on your iPod Touch and connect to that same network. Then try the sync again.

Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 7:25 pm
by dagopher
For what it's worth, I wanted to chime in on my issue just to close it out.

Long story short: my wireless router was not routing packets for my iPod to my MacBook Pro. I think the ARP cache was corrupted somehow (I've got a weird network setup in my house - that probably aggravated the problem). Of course, the iPod was the only thing on my network effected by this little bout of wireless insanity.

I diagnosed this with multiple machines (both wired and wireless), some networking tools (ping, traceroute, tcpdump, etc), and some mdns/bonjour scanners in strategic corners of the network. I highly recommend Bonjour Browser for this: ... d305441017. It was very handy to determine that Bookpedia was visible to the rest of the network and is available for both OSX and iOS.

After I determined that everything else on my network could ping and see the bonjour/mdns services on my MacBook Pro, and that my iPod was only able to see mdns services on my other boxes, I was able to zero in on the wireless router. A quick reboot of the cleared the problem.

So, no problem with Pocketpedia, Bookpedia or my iPod, it was all a bad wireless router which is going in the bin very soon now.


Re: Pocketpedia3 synced the first time, but not anymore

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:04 am
by Nora
Excellent news that it's working now. And thanks for sharing the details, might come in handy for other users too. There so many network setups and routers most of all are almost always the issue. The link to the Bonjour Browser app will be very useful to others.