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PocketPedia3 does not sync changed field order

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:59 am
by Tore
I installed and did sync my DVD collection and found that the Collection ID was changing position for each DVD.
I found that the Collection ID was entered in the Extra TAB. I then opened the preferences in DVDpedia and reordered the fields with Collection ID at the top as one of the changes. I then changed it from Extra to Main.
Then I did a new sync at my Pocketpedia, but it totally ignored my changes.... :cry:

Can I please ask you to reflect field order in DVDpedia to Pocketpedia after sync (and resync when changed anything)?

Additional info: I deleted my Pocketpedia3, reinstalled it and did a new sync but no difference.
MAC OS 10.7.3/ DVDpedia 5.0.3
IOS 5.1/ Pocketpedia3

I hope this can be fixed soon since I use this program to easily find items in my DVD/ Bluray collection...

Re: PocketPedia3 does not sync changed field order

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:32 am
by Nora
You have to be running the latest version of DVDpedia, 5.1, so the program can properly interact with Pocketpedia 3. Use the 'Check for Updates' command under the DVDpedia menu.
If any of the issues persist after that, please let me know.

Re: PocketPedia3 does not sync changed field order

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:11 am
by Tore
It works. Thank's!