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Thumbnails gone in Pocketpedia3

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:21 am
by droversforapint
Out of nowhere the other day, all of the images imported from DVDpedia into Pocketpedia3 are gone - at least the thumbnails are gone. When viewing my collection in either list view or detail view, the dvd artwork is gone and replaced by a blank space (with the Bruji dog icon). When I tap on the space where the artwork should be in the detail view, the screen flips and the artwork appears, but when I go back the thumbnail is not there again. If I enter a new movie into DVDpedia, and then sync it with Pocketpedia3, the artwork for the new movie appears as it should, but all previously imported artwork is still missing. Any thoughts?

Re: Thumbnails gone in Pocketpedia3

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:05 am
by Conor
iOS should not drop the thumbnails, even if running out of space on the device. They are labeled as not needing backup but also as not being disposable. What iOS version are you running? Is there space left on the device?

To get the thumbnails back, hold down the option key on your Mac as you click the sync button on Pocketpedia. This will tell DVDpedia to ignore the covers that Pocketpedia is requesting and send all the covers again.

lets hope it was a one time fluke, if it happens again do let me know any details or steps I could try to take to reproduce it.

Re: Thumbnails gone in Pocketpedia3

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 11:38 am
by droversforapint
This problem is continuing, and actually getting more bizarre. A day or two after I first noticed the problem, I opened the app and found that most of my thumbnails were back (I had not synced between the first occurrence and this one), but the few that had been present before, were now gone (at least I think the ones that were now missing were the few that had been present before). After that, and prior to seeing your reply to my original post, I did sync the app with the desktop, but still had some but not all of the thumbnails. Now it seems that every time I open the app I get a different set of thumbnails - sometimes only a few of them and sometimes most of them, and now when there are only few of them, they seem to be somewhat random - sometimes the ones that are present have been for movies I recently (but not necessarily MOST recently) added to my database, and at other times loosely grouped around a smart collection - but not entirely. I have now reloaded all of the artwork using the method you suggested (option sync), and it went through the motions, but when it was done, only a few of the thumbnails displayed. This morning, I noticed an additional anomaly. My app is currently only showing a few of the thumbnails, and as I was going through them looking for any pattern in what was showing up (right now it's several of my Hitchcock movies, and a smattering of other, relatively recently added movies), I noticed that in one case the thumbnail that was showing up was attached to the wrong movie. the movie was "Make Mine Mink" and the thumbnail was for "Doubt", a movie that is not in my collection. When I tapped on the thumbnail in the detail view, the screen flipped and displayed the correct artwork for "Make Mine Mink". Very strange indeed.

I wish I could give you some clues to how you could replicate this phenomenon, but I have no idea what I have done to make this happen. I am running iOS 5.1, on a 64 GB iPhone 4S. There is about 14 GB of free space. I have right around 1,100 movies entered in DVDpedia. In my data entry workflow, I often use "Add Manually...", enter the name of the movie, enter the media type (DVD, Blu-Ray, m4p, Video_TS, etc.) and the publisher (Criterion, Kino, etc.)(I think these are both custom fields I added), and import data from IMDB to fill in all of the other fields. I then add names to the 'Starring' field from the cast list, and click 'Add'. Finally, I usually right click on the default artwork brought in from IMDB and replace it with poster art. Don't know if any of this helps or not.

Thanks for your help. Despite this problem, I think DVDpedia is a really great piece of software, and I use it almost every day. And it's awesome to have the iOS app. You guys do a really great job!!

UPDATE: As I was typing this, I powered off and rebooted my iPhone, and now it seems that the majority of thumbnails are back, with only a few random exceptions. I did try rebooting once before, with similar results. The "Doubt" / "Make Mine Mink" anomaly is now corrected.

Re: Thumbnails gone in Pocketpedia3

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:02 am
by Nora
Thanks for the update. Since the problem seems to be all over the place and not necessarily repeatable (we've tried here but so far no luck) what you could try is delete Pocketpedia and re-download the app via the 'Purchased' option. If that makes a difference and your images appear once more and remain, please let us know.