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Pocketpedia - Deleting a Title in a Collection

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:29 pm
by DVDcollector
Sorry if this has been discussed, I looked for a similar topic.

I recently deleted a DVD from a specific collection in PP3 & the title was removed from the Library too. I am assuming this is not intentional so I wanted to post it here. Please let me know if I am misunderstanding what I am doing when I delete a title from a collection.

On another note, THANK YOU for your perseverance in getting PP3 released! It is fantastic and I am so happy to have it. This from a customer who has refused to upgrade my iphone 3G OS so it will continue to run PP2. Great work Connor & Nora!!!

Re: Pocketpedia - Deleting a Title in a Collection

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:45 am
by Nora
Glad to hear you're enjoying the new Pocketpedia although obviously entries shouldn't be deleted from your Library like that. Can you give me some more details about the issue please? What kind of collection was it that you deleted the entry from? (regular collection, wish list, etc.) Have you synched the app with DVDpedia after that? Was the entry deleted from your DVDpedia Library as well?

Re: Pocketpedia - Deleting a Title in a Collection

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:33 am
by Conor
We have tried to repeat it but have been unsuccessful creating a regular collection called test and then syncing. We have removed items with both swipe delete and via the delete button in the action bar. DVDpedia requires authorization about any complete delete from the Library. Do let us know more details if you poke around more as the issue could require an extra step we are not doing.

As Nora mentioned thank you for the kind words; we are quite proud of Pocketpedia.

Re: Pocketpedia - Deleting a Title in a Collection

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:01 pm
by DVDcollector
Well, this is embarrassing. I guess I was confused because I can't duplicate the issue either. I need to do some cleaning up & organizing in my PP3, so if I can replicate what I thought happened ( :oops: ) I will let you know.

In the meantime, you are very welcome and I meant every word! I thoroughly enjoy both DVDpedia and Pocketpedia, you should both be very proud. The one thing I miss in PP3 is the title recommendations, perhaps you could pair up with or some other movie site to provide that functionality. In any case, keep up the great work and thank you for your excellent and tireless customer service!