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"could not save change"

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:05 pm
by hellonearth

I'm using DvdPedia (5.1.6, just upgraded) and PocketPedia on iphone (last version too). Tonight i wanted to add 3 Bluray to my DvdPedia on the mac. As Usual i did use the iphone to "scan" the barecode at the back of it. Everything did run fine except that just after fidind the film, i had a message (in a window) >> "Could Not Save Changes /The database in memory is not in a valid state and will be reloaded from the hard disk." and the only solution is too click on the reload button . DvdPedia restart, seem to be OK, but if i try with another Title to do the same thing (scan using iphone), then again the same message... Strange. I have try to add the bluray manualy using the good old "add" button in dvdpedia, and it is ok. Seem i have a bug ?
Except that, i'm still really happy with the pedia "system", it is perfect! a lot of my friends around me are impressed with the possibility to use the iphone as a scan.
if you can help me with the bug ;-)

PS: i'm on lion 10.7.5, all last update done today (June 5th)

Re: "could not save change"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:04 am
by Conor
Thank you for all the details and pointing that out so quickly. I found the bug, it has to do with the add multiple panel and appears only specific circumstances. (I been upgrading the inner workings of sync, in order to prepare for the new Pocketpedia). I fixed the issue and pushed a silent update, please replace your DVDpedia with a new version from here If it happens again with the new version please let me know.

This bug does affect all the Pedias, if others run into it do update your Pedia again with a new download. If the bug is not as rare as I think it should be I'll do another version update to get all early updaters the bug fix via the automatic upgrade.

Re: "could not save change"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:29 pm
by hellonearth
Thank You Connor!
Your Dmg did fix the bug :D :wink: . Thank you so much for such a fast answer. Bruji Support is just perfect . Bravo!!

Ho by the way, just a suggestion >> when i use the manual add button in the mac App, you have the window with various possibility to search (in french/ i'm french) > one of the criteria in "rechercher" is : DVD or VHS... well i think that in 2013, there is no more VHS , but instead of it, why don't you propose Bluray criteria ?


Re: "could not save change"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:36 pm
by Nora
Ho by the way, just a suggestion >> when i use the manual add button in the mac App, you have the window with various possibility to search (in french/ i'm french) > one of the criteria in "rechercher" is : DVD or VHS... well i think that in 2013, there is no more VHS , but instead of it, why don't you propose Bluray criteria ?
This depends on the website you select for your searches. Some only offer the distinction between VHS and DVD, others offer only DVD or Blu-ray, yet others don't make any difference at all between the different media. The search simply mirrors these options offered.

Re: "could not save change"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:03 pm
by KaiS
Will this be fixed in the Mac App Store Version too?

Re: "could not save change"

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:58 am
by Nora
Yes, we pulled the submitted version before it went into review and re-submitted the fixed one. Hopefully the approval process will be quick.