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Pedia Pedia

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:29 pm
by shari
Once upon a time a girl with a big CD collection got her first Mac. She ordered a cool shareware program to catalog those CDs, only to find out it was really a template for a thing called Filemaker. Now, many upgrades later, the girl is faced with yet another invitation to upgrade the admittedly great Filemaker (to the tune of a couple hundred bucks).

But along the way, the girl discovered the Pedias--automatic entry of most data she wants, good interface, pictures, easy to use, pretty fast...

The girl collects other things--fountain pens, for instance--and she thinks "If only those inexpensive Pedias had a sort of BasicPedia--lots of user-identifiable fields, the ability to import multiple images for a specific entry, then she could create databases for her various collections and let Filemaker, which is really too much power for her needs anyway, go."

Several users have mentioned an interest in GamePedia or ComicBookPedia, but how about something much more generic and adaptable to multiple uses via user identified fields?

Thanks for all of your great products!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:51 am
by Conor
There once were a boy and a girl with a great idea for an application, in a market where the choices were mediocre and expensive (of course it would be Mac, is there anything else?). They went on to develop the application without money for marketing with great success thanks to loyal users spreading the word. Now they continue to make the applications better, learning everyday, the code improves becoming cleaner, faster, feature rich and more adaptable. Allowing for the faster creations of other Pedias and one day maybe even a generic one. Features like the iSight image capture would allow for users to point their camera at anything and catalog it. But the code still needs some more work before they are at that point; for example the collection list managing system could have more flexibility and fix some minor bugs like changing a collections name resets the columns shown in that collection to the default. The web page needs a re-design to be more content rich, let users reach the potential of the Pedias. (They are charmed by their simplicity but fall in love with the power). Boy and girl are working on all those things and many more, including Gamepedia. For all great things require time. :)