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Pocketpedia 3.1.0. : problems with lists

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:39 pm
by Izzy
Hi everyone,

I searched for a same topic but hadn't found one so if I missed it I apologize for opening this one.

I use recently Pocketpedia 3.1.0. with Bookpedia and DVDpedia. Here is what I found today.

I wanted to add a list in Bookpedia. I click on "+", the window asking for the list's name appears, I wrote the name, I click on "OK" and... nothing appears. It's like I have done nothing.
I repeated several times the action, just in case. But nothing.

So I tried with DVDpedia and I have the same problem.

I have another problem with the lists : when I click on "acheter" in a entry of my wish list, it places the entry in my library but I can't find it in the smart lists I have created. Is it normal ?

I don't know if it's important but I use all three programs in French.

Has anybody the same problem ?

Thank you

Re: Pocketpedia 3.1.0. : problems with lists

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:22 am
by Conor
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have not been able to repeat the issue, neither in English or in French. I shall continue to try with creating a collection. Could you let me know the rules of the smart collection that the entry is not appearing in, so that I can test that out as well. Or if you don't mind simply send me your database file for DVDpedia that will include the collection. You will find the database in your data folder located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd. Under Lion you must use the Finder menu "Go -> Go To..." command and enter "~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia" to open the folder. Once there select the Database.dvdpd and use the "Compress" command under the main "File" menu. This will create a .zip version that you can then attach to an email message.

Re: Pocketpedia 3.1.0. : problems with lists

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:54 pm
by Izzy
Thank you Conor for your answer.

Well, the problem can be separate in two different parts.

1. Bookpedia & DVDpedia
I don't have smart lists in DVDPedia. So the problem is general. Regarding Bookpedia, I have smart lists but the problem also appears when I do this (like I wrote before) :
I click on "+", the window asking for the list's name appears, I wrote the name, I click on "OK" and... nothing appears.

2. Bookpedia
About the smart lists, they are all very simple. I have a lot of books and for a better use I created a alphabetical filling with folders for authors, titles and others criteria. I know that I can sort all the books in the library but given the number of books I have, it's faster to find one in this way.

Is it possible that the book can only be added in a smart list after sync with Bookpedia ?

I wonder also if the list I can create in Pocketpedia is a smart list or a normal one because I don't see a choice between both when I click on "+".

I hope that my explanation can be usefull.

Thank you.

Re: Pocketpedia 3.1.0. : problems with lists

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:55 am
by Conor
Thank you for the extensive and clear details.

1. I was able to repeat it on iOS 7, it's an issue with the new iOS. I have fixed the bug and it will take about a week after I submit it to Apple to go through the review process. I am still waiting on another update to be released before submitting the new version.

2. It was not originally part of Pocketpedia to be able to update the smart collections on the fly. After a sync the smart collections will be updated. However, with Pocketpedia gaining all these new features is on the to do list to make it update smart collections with changes. Will likely make it into the update above as I should be done with these feature in about two days of work.

The list created directly in Pocketpedia are only normal collections. At some point smart collections will make it to Pocketpedia but that needs a whole new interface, so it won;t be after well after the iOS 7 redesign.

Thank you once again and sorry about the wait with the App Store.

Re: Pocketpedia 3.1.0. : problems with lists

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:52 pm
by Izzy
Thank you for your answer and the time you had given to find the problem.

I'm glad you find a solution and the wait is worth it... also for the new features.

Thanks again for your work.