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Sort problem

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:39 pm
by iginio
I'm using Pocketpedia3 version 3.3.2, updated on May 19, 2015 on an iPad Air 2. When I'm in the CDPedia database, the icon that allows you to change the sort order (the square with a down arrow in the center) no longer works. When I touch it or tap it, nothing happens. As a result, I'm unable to change the sort order from "Artist" to "Title". I never had this problem before, and I don't have the problem on my iPhone, only on my iPad. This has occurred only since the iPad app was recently updated.

Re: Sort problem

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:50 am
by Conor
Thank you so much for the bug report. A change in the latest iOS, I shall fix it and submit an update soon.

The bug is triggered by the collection view being displayed from the sidebar in portrait mode, so in the meantime tilt the iPad over to landscape mode and you will be able to once again sort.

Re: Sort problem

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:45 am
by Conor
Managed to fix it. A few more improvements for the next version and I shall submit the new version to Apple for review. Likely will be a beta version before the official release. If you are interested, do email me your iTunes email account (or let me know if it's the same *** email used here in the forum that I alone can view) and I can add you to the beta group via the App Store.

Thank you for the help.