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Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:41 pm
by tizart
How do I know what search engines my Bookpedia is searching? I have been trying to add a paperback collection searching by ISBN number and so far 10 of my books have come back as "no matches", which I find impossible. Hope you can help. Thank you

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:26 am
by Conor
You can see what search engines are on and what order they are currently in Bookpedia -> Preferences -> Sites (tab). Also in the search window under the magnifying glass the search could be limited to a single site, which is more likely the case if you are not getting any match. The title of the search window would reflect the search site selected.

If you still get no match for several ISBNs, let me know some of the ISBNs and I can try it here.

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:09 pm
by tizart
It's searching through all the sites but I am getting NO results for search either in ISBN, author, title.
Exa-mple here: David Baldacci, Simple Genius, 978-0-446-61873-1 (and I have input the ISBN both with and w/o spaces to no avail. Thanks for your help

I think there might be a bug in this whole thing

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:03 am
by Nora
Using that ISBN I found the book on several different sites (Doghouse, Open Library, Google Books). Have you tried selecting just one specific site in the search field, for example Doghouse or Google Books, and then doing the search?

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:36 am
by Conor
I can confirm the same. Do please check your Bookpedia -> Preferences -> Sites (tab), that the search sites are active, also that Bookpedia has internet access. Does a simple search for "Harry Potter" work? If the ISBN search keeps failing the console log would have more specific error messages about failure, do please send us those if available. You can access the console log via the application 'Console', located inside your Applications/Utilities. The newer messages are towards the end of the log.

Also worth trying (although it should not make a difference) is the beta version of Bookpedia. Currently in a mid-transition to El Capitan update, but should work without issue.

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:49 pm
by tizart
No matter what I try or how I access the search engines still get "no match" on anything, author, title or ISBN. Yes the sites are active, I am connected to the Net, etc.

Can I try and download again?

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:38 pm
by Conor
Do please try a new download, as well as checking the console log mentioned above after a search. It might have more details of why the internet access is being blocked for Bookpedia.

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:43 pm
by tizart
Lots of error messages in Console, i.e.
  • Failed to send activation record to
    Service exited with abnormal code:75
    Tried to register AuthRecord.
a lot of ( messages

Does this help at all find what's wrong. PS I'm running Bookpedia on OS X Yosemite on an Apple Laptop

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:06 pm
by tizart
Uninstalled and downloaded Bookpedia again. Running fine now. Thanks for all your help :D

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:01 am
by Conor
Thank you for letting us know. Glad that worked, as I have no idea what was going on there. :D

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:54 am
by claramoralesf
Same problem here. Running Bookpedia 5.4.2 with Yosemite 10.10.2 in a Macbook Pro 2011.

Search engines don't work anymore. I tried iSight, ISBN and potencial matches like "Harry Potter": nothing. Casa del Libro, Google Books, Wikipedia etc marked, but it doesn't work. Uninstalled and redownloaded, but nothing.

I checked Console, the error message is:
1/2/16 11:50:57,469 apsd[49]: Failed to evaluate trust: No error. (0), result=5; retrying with revocation checking optional
1/2/16 11:52:52,978 Bookpedia[552]: Error conneting to data service for casadellibro: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera." UserInfo=0x7fe9a2f510f0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe9a51689c0 "Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera.", NSErrorFailingURLStringKey= ... er&nivel=5, NSErrorFailingURLKey= ... er&nivel=5, NSLocalizedDescription=Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera.}

and it goes on with Wikipedia, etc...

Any ideas? It's driving me crazy! Thanks for your help.

Re: Bookpedia - not finding in search engines

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:31 am
by Conor
Does sound like a firewall issue as it's timing out waiting for reply from the searches.