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United the Pedias stand, divided they fall

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:43 pm
by DisplacedGopher
OK, first of all, I think that functionality- and performance-wise, the Pedias beat the pants off Delicious Library. No comparison, hands down. But I think that 1) they should be integrated (at least the DVD & CD apps), and 2) they should all have container-indifferent names. Please allow me to explain.

Observation 1: Like many people I own CDs. I own DVDs. I own VHS tapes. I own books. Of course, right? Who doesn't. But I also own laserdiscs, DV tapes that I recorded myself, a couple of prerecorded MiniDiscs, LPs, and EPs. Other people own all sorts of wild, weird, and wacky audio/video media that they want to catalog, but DVDpedia/CDpedia pigeonholes them - sure, they might be able to get away with cataloging all of their stuff, but the title of the app gives DVD (one of many kinds of media) unwarranted preferential treatment.

E.g., where do I put my laserdiscs? In DVDpedia? But they're not DVDs! Shouldn't DVDpedia be called Videopedia? What happens when DVDs become obsolete? When I start buying Blu-ray discs, which are not DVDs, where will I put those? In Blu-raypedia? In 10 years when DVDs are as obsolete as VHS tapes are today, will DVDpedia still be called DVDpedia?

Obs. 2: I have a DVD full of music videos. It's music. But it's video. CDpedia? DVDpedia? DVDpedia you say, but what if I want to find all the music I've got by a given artist? I have to open CDpedia and search, AND open DVDpedia just in case I missed something?

Obs. 3: I have a DualDisc (one side is music, the other is separate music + video). Where do I put it, DVDpedia or CDpedia? Both? If both, then that would mean that if I do a search as in the observation above, it gets retrieved twice....???

These are all rhetorical questions, of course. One of the first things I learned in grad school (library & information science) was that information should be treated as separate from its container. The distinctions that divide the Pedia apps are arbitrary, and therefore bibliographically improper. The apps would make as much literal sense if they were called A-Fpedia, G-Lpedia, etc., or Opticaldiscpedia, Magnetic Tapepedia, ROM Chippedia etc., or any other similarly arbitrary distinctions.

What I'm trying to say is, WITHIN the apps, the Pedias are great. But I feel that their separation does not make sense. I would, for example, much rather pay $36 for a "Mediapedia" than $18+18 for DVDpedia+CDpedia. Total integration would be even better: one-stop shopping for all my bibliographic needs, regardless of information or media type.

I felt compelled to register for this forum just to express my strong opinion on this topic. I hate Delicious Library and I hope you Bruji dudes kick its crappy overhyped ass. Remember: United the Pedias stand, divided they fall! 8)

I could not agree more...

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:21 pm
by frozilla
Being an owner of Readerware, Delicious Library, and now a *pedia 3-pak, I whole-heartedly agree that:
a) Having to buy (and use) 3 separate apps is annoying at best, and
b) Your apps beat the pants off of the other 2 aforementioned competitors, which is why I am willing to be annoyed

I see in the forums that you are concerned that people will not value an integrated solution @ say $49 when they only want a CD archiver, and that is a very valid concern. Have you considered having a unified app wherein a license key is required to unlock the various pedias? Everyone gets to enter 10 items in each of the pedias, but if you want to enter a lot of CDs, time to by a CDpedia unlock key.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:07 am
by Diatribe
I agree that a system like this would make sense and would be a great alternative. I actually only use DVDpedia right now because it's a pain in the ass to have to deal with 3 apps.