Version history for Pocketpedia
Version: 3.4.4 (24/01/17)
- New option to select a cover image from your media library.
- Tap and hold to paste a cover image directly into the cover capture feature.
- More options when swiping an item: move and seen/read/played added.
- Fixes to updates of smart collection when editing entries.
- Higher resolution for incoming covers from the Pedia programs.
- The contacts selection appears when moving entries to the borrowed collection via the new move option.
Version: 3.4.1 (10/10/15)
- Bug fix: iOS 7 incompatability.
- While editing, some of the text fields at the end could be obscured.
Version: 3.4 (16/09/15)
- iOS 9 Spotlight search integration.
- iOS 9 Open links support for imdb, pdf, epub, ibooks and http.
- iOS 9 Transport Security support.
- Track Artist is now included in internal filter search when the "search all" preference is set.
- Bug fix: After editing entries, smart collections now update to reflect the changes.
- Bug fix: When in edit mode and capturing a new image, done button would change back to edit.
- Bug fix: Items added directly to a smart collection are only included in the collection if the criteria fit.
Version: 3.3.3 (03/07/15)
- Sections now grouped by complete name for select fields such as genre, studio, label, director, author, developer, etc.
- Fixed: Sort ordering in Pocketpedia for numbers.
- Fixed: Ascending/descending sort reversal by selecting the same sort field.
- Sort wheel now shows previous sort selection again.
- When the sort title field and the option to ignore foreign articles where turned on, Pocketpedia would no longer ignore foreign articles when sorting title and thus not match the Pedia sorting.
Version: 3.3.2 (19/05/15)
- Fixed: Sort ordering in Pocketpedia for numbers.
- Fixed: Ascending/descending sort reversal by selecting the same sort field.
- Fixed: Sort wheel now shows previous sort selected, which stopped working in iOS 8.1+.
- Fixed: With both "Sort Title" and "Ignore foreign articles" turned on, Pocketpedia would no longer ignore foreign articles when sorting titles and hence not match the Pedias' sorting.
Version: 3.3.1 (28/04/15)
- iPad Version: removed iPhone-only "Add item" collection organizer that caused crash on the iPad.
- Fixed: crash on iPad when adding an item and not currently in a collection.
- Fixed: width of sort sheet on iPad.
- Fixed: display of "Searching", "No Results" and "Add Manually" on iPad results pop up.
Version: 3.3 (24/04/15)
- iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus size support, adding more room for details and listings as well as sharper images.
- 64-bit support for new iOS devices.
- The "Add item" option is now also available directly from the collection menu organize button.
- Restoring the app on a new device will now bring in the covers on the next sync automatically. The means this version will do a full sync for all users on the first sync after updating.
- Small adjustments in localizations and layouts.
- Bug fix: New internal links based on UID were not working.
- The Sync information dialog was not centered in landscape orientation.
Version: 3.2.2 (17/09/14)
- iOS 8 compatibility.
- Internal links are now displayed as options in the link menu for fast navigation to other entries.
- Bug fix: if a collection was sorted by "date modified" in the Pedias it would cause a crash when trying to open sort options in Pocketpedia.
- Bug fix: a crash could occur when opening entries with too many credits listed.
- Bug fix: touch icons in the scanner view were too small on retina devices.
Version: 3.2.1 (05/04/14)
- Bug fix: On iPods a black screen would appear after launching.
- Bug fix: Adding an entry manually on iPhone would not update the name of the title right away.
- Bug fix: Adding an entry manually would not reload the table view when sorted by title to display the new entry in the correct section.
- Corrected French translation strings.
Version: 3.1.3 (11/11/13)
- Upgraded to new Doghouse search server.
- Bug fix: Could not change media after a "Not found" result in the search.
- Bug fix: iPad results would not disappear automatically when tapping a result.
Version: 3.1.2 (31/10/13)
- Smart collections now update right away after changes in Pocketpedia are made.
- Bug fix: adding a new regular collection was not possible in iOS 7
Version: 3.1.1 (11/10/13)
- Doghouse search covers are now backed up to iTunes until a sync to a Mac is done.
- New gesture to download any missing cover images from Doghouse: tap and hold two fingers on any large cover view for 2 seconds. (This is especially useful for those using the program as a stand-alone app.)
- Bug fix: possible crash when capturing a cover manually for an item in iOS 7
Version: 3.1 (27/09/13)
- iOS 7 updates and fixes.
- Full editing capabilities for all fields.
- Interface for capturing covers via camera.
- New 'Add manually' button when a search in Doghouse fails or to add entries into any collection from scratch.
- Random selection by shaking enabled on iPad.
- New updated button appearance.
- With the Setting "Large Covers" off, large images requested to view by the user are not saved for future use.
- UILocalizedIndexedCollation used to create the index in order to have a localized index for foreign languages, instead of the English version.
- CD discID field now visible as an attribute in the details view.
Version: 3.0.3 (31/10/12)
- Optimized for the taller iPhone 5: more space to display entries and collections.
- New barcode scan feature for devices with camera.
- Works as a remote barcode scanner for the Desktop Pedias when an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch is connected to the same network as the Mac.
- New minimum version requirement: iOS 4.3 to support iPhone 5.
- Date formats used in the Pedia settings are now honored, for example to display theatrical date in the chosen format.
- The current synced Pedia sort is stored so that it can be selected again after sorting by one of the main attributes.
- For developers: new URL command "filterCollection?" brings up the filter field for the Library collection; will also accept a predefined search such as: "bookpedia://filterCollection?Tolkien".
- For developers: blank "search?" URL command brings up the Doghouse search field for text entry.
- Bug fix: A rare conflict connected to entries marked as returned could keep them marked as borrowed after a sync.
Version: 3.0.2 (01/08/12)
- The borrowed by history from Pocketpedia is now synched backwards to the Pedias when an item is both borrowed and then returned in Pocketpedia before a sync.
- Bug fix: rare start up crash that could happen after deleting a collection and Pocketpedia trying to restore on launch that collection which no longer exists.
- Ability to start a search via URL protocol for other programs, e.g. dvdpedia://search?Top%20Gun or bookpedia://search?9780553573404
Version: 3.0.1 (25/05/12)
- Ability to moderate an entry in Doghouse before adding it to Pocketpedia
- Rating field was not displayed
- Turning off "Large Covers" in the Settings removes any previously synched large covers from Pocketpedia with the next sync
- Cache sorting and sections of items allow for super fast opening of collections with more than 1000 items after the first time
- iPhone: following the "add to *pedia" link in Safari did not show the result if Pocketpedia was just launched
- iPhone: Tracks now include track number
- iPhone: Tracks now include track artist if available
- iPad: Scrolling enabled for "More" button pop-up when a lot of information is present (mainly for landscape mode)
- iPad: six extra pixels added for cover height, bringing the default cover ratio to 1.424 (the most common image ratio)
- Bug fix: couldn't move items into collections contained inside sub-folders
- Bug fix: limit for very very large summaries or comments on iPad that could cause a crash on iPad 1
- Bug fix: crash that could occur in rare circumstances during sync when checking what images needed syncing
- Bug fix: for crashes on launch for old iPod 2G and iPhone 3G with large collections
- Bug fix: the first Pedia program synched would give its name to the 'Collections' header, regardless of other Pedias synched afterward
- Bug fix: Editor translation in German updated to Herausgeber
Version: 3.0 (20/04/12)
- Everything