Reset data for entry/reset warnings...

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Bruji Friend
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Reset data for entry/reset warnings...

Post by PauHana658 »

While going through recently imported DVD entries, I found several that had been assigned the wrong info from To be expected, since I had selected the entire list and gotten advanced data from in one fell (but oh, so convenient) swoop. But I'm finding the process of correcting the errors -- adding a new entry, getting info from, paging through the numerous possibilities until I find the appropriate page, selecting it, clicking "yes" to the question of whether I want to add another entry for this already-present item in DVDpedia, copying the links from the old entry, pasting them in the new entry, and, finally, deleting the old entry -- rather tedious and was wondering if there was a better way.

Is there some way of editing the info in the incorrect entry and then forcing a new search based on the revised info, thereby preserving the link info? I tried modifying the ASIN and UPC numbers and then getting new info, but 9 times out of ten, that simply returns the incorrect info.

And now that I'm having to delete entries, I've discovered just how easy it is to delete them by mistake with no warning. Scary enough for me, but my eldest son saw pocketpedia on my iPhone yesterday and decided that he wants it on his iPod touch, as well as rights to add his own movies to DVDpedia. But if he did starting doing so, he could accidentally delete an entry, and neither he nor I would ever know. For the time being, I'm asking him to tell me what movies he wants to add, and I'll do the entry work, but I'm fully capable of messing up on my own and deleting entries by mistake.

I did some poking around in the help file and found references to a "Reset Warnings" menu item in the Help menu. Alas, I don't see that listed in my version of DVDpedia. Moreover, I don't recall ever seeing a warning in the first place, much less turning them off. Is this a feature of a previous edition that is no longer present in the latest version? Has it moved? Is there any other way to prevent (or recover) accidental deletions?

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Re: Reset data for entry/reset warnings...

Post by PauHana658 »

Answered my own question...I think. At least the one about the warnings.

I've been working in the collections, but just now, selected the Library, merged data from two entries, and then selected one of the entries and hit "Delete." Up popped a warning about deleting the movie from the Library. So obviously, the warnings pertain to the deletion of files from the Library, not from collections.

As an experiment, I tried deleting an entry. When the warning popped up, I selected "Do now warn again."(sic) and then "Cancel." I then checked the Help menu. Sure enough, the "Reset Warnings" item was now visible. It remains visible even after resetting the warnings. So everything is now working as expected.

Now as for the question about resetting the data for an entry...I'm still trying things, but nothing short of adding a new entry works. Ah, well. Maybe I won't find that many entries that need to be corrected....
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Re: Reset data for entry/reset warnings...

Post by Conor »

DVDpedia has undo, if you delete an entry and want it back use the undo command. Deleting an entry from a collection has no warning as the entry is not really gone, unless you delete it from the library or hold down the option button during delete (exactly the same behavior as iTunes). The total number count is also a good way to make sure that nothing has changed in your collection. A good habit is to make backups of your library collection via the export .dvdpedia option, this way having copies of your library collection you can reload if things look amiss. Your son could add movies to an excluded collection. Another solution is for your son to get his own account on your Mac. This way having his own individual database file that he can sync to his own iPod. He can take a copy of the .dvdpedia file to import into his own collection if he would like to start from the family shared collection that you already have.

Removing the ASIN , IMDb Number and UPC should be enough to create a search that is broad enough to give you options (search will be based on director and title). Use the gear button at the bottom right of the edit window to be presented with choices in order to select the correct result. You will also have to delete any of the fields that have wrong information as DVDpedia will never overwrite data, this is the problem you are probably encountering. One easy way is to place all the wrong entries into a new collection and then use the multiple edit feature (by selecting all the movies) and remove all the fields you want to update including ASIN and UPC and then use the gear button on each entry individually.
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