Searching Starring + adding short films

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Searching Starring + adding short films

Post by adamhh »

Hi, I'm testing DVDpedia with a view to buy. So far I like it very much - it's pretty comprehensive. But I've found a glitch. When I add actors in edit mode, they do not appear in the 'starring' field in list view (and thus do not appear in searches) even though they appear in the info box.

Does this really mean I must manually add actors in list view??

Also is there a short film plug in so that I can add individual shorts on a dvd rather than just the dvd title?

I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before.
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Re: Searching Starring + adding short films

Post by Conor »

The starring field is independent from the credits. When information is downloaded from the internet is does get populated by the first 5 credits. But it is not necessary to add them to the starring field to search the credits. Inside the search field, click on the magnifying glass and change the search type to credits.

IMDb is good with short films information.

Hope you find DVDpedia's layout and flow useful for your setup, looking forward to having a new user.
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Re: Searching Starring + adding short films

Post by adamhh »

Thanks for your prompt reply! That 'search all' certainly finds actors now. However, if I try to search for a theatrical release year it finds all the ones I've entered manually and none of those entered automatically. So I'm still puzzled.

One of the reasons I like your software is its flexiblity, more flexible than certain the competition in testing so far! I teach film and thus the ability to add fields and conduct random field searches for my several thousand films will be important.

The short films issue is not one of info, I have that. It's about automatically adding individual shorts names/dates/directors etc upon scanning a DVD. I found a plug-in to enter individual tv episodes from DVD compilations, I wondered if there was a similar plug-in to do this for shorts. For example, I have many multiple dvd collections of short films (4-9 discs, 30-40 shorts per disc) that's a lot of manual entering, even for single disc compliation.

Anyway impressed as I am so far I'm going to test CDpedia/bookpedia too. The bundle is tempting!
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Re: Searching Starring + adding short films

Post by Conor »

I understand what you mean now. There is no plug-in for short film compilations. The TV episode plug-in was created by a user for his specific needs and he was kind enough to make it available for others. For the short film it's probably even hard to find a database that has that kind of information for each DVD.

We do have a large number of teachers and movie industry professional due mainly to the large number of films that they handle, numbers that the competition has trouble working with. Good to hear DVDpedia is better than the competition.

I added [url=dvdpedia://]Casablanca[/url] and had no problem filtering by 1943. if you can reproduce the bug 100% of the time with a specific movie, do let me know the details so I can try to reproduce it here and look for the bug. Searches in the date fields are handles a bit different as it's hard to interpret the scope of the search: a 4 digit number is a whole year search and anything else is interpreted as a day. So "Jan 1943" would search only for films who's release date is 1 of Jan 1943 and not all of January. If you need to do monthly or date searches with larger ranges use a temporary smart collection.
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Re: Searching Starring + adding short films

Post by adamhh »

Hey Coner, your expedition is admirable!

Re: Year searches (eg 1960). I think I've cracked it. It seems that if only enter a year into the search box with 'all fields' checked responses are variable, UNLESS after I've put the year I click once again on 'all fields'. Then I do find what I what I'm looking for. I guess that, now I know this I can act accordingly.

NB. This is the same across CDpedia and DVDpedia.
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