a few questions about Book and DVD Pedia

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a few questions about Book and DVD Pedia

Post by Pierre-Olivier »

I'm a brand new (and very Happy) user of BookPedia and DVDPedia. It's my iPhone that drives me to use your applications. I must say that they are pretty good.

I've some questions about them.

Is it possible to fill only some selected fields when using "Obtain more info". Because, there are some fields that are useless (for me). And in a great number of case, the summary is feed up with some peoples comments (Amazon .fr, or alapage.com mostly). I would like to obtain the number of pages, or the ISBN, for example .

Is it possible to move automatically for all the Books (or the DVDs) the content of one field into another ?

If not, it would be (per haps) a good idea for the next releases ?
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Re: a few questions about Book and DVD Pedia

Post by Conor »

All information is downloaded for the shown fields. The fields can be turned off in the preferences under fields add/edit, but then they would not be filled at any time. So turn off the fields in the preferences that you are not interested in such as summary before doing a batch of "obtain more info" and then turn it back on once you are done so that it will be displayed and used for new movies.

There is no way to move one field to the next in the program, but it can be done directly on the SQL database. Read this post for information, most of the field names are what you would expect with a "z" prefix. If you let me know the field you would like to move and to where I can post the exact command to use.
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Re: a few questions about Book and DVD Pedia

Post by Pierre-Olivier »

Thank you for your quick answer.

I think it should be a good idea to dissociate the fields to be shown and the field to be filled by external sources.

I will certainly have others ideas. I will post them in this post.
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