Option-start hides other app's windows

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Option-start hides other app's windows

Post by jenv »

On my iMac G5 (10.4), when I start DVDpedia with Option held down, the top-level window Hides as if Apple-H had been pressed. It doesn't seem right that DVDpedia changes the state of another app's windows.
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Re: Option-start hides other app's windows

Post by Alex »

When you option-click on a window, the application you where in before will hide. This is standard Apple User Interface procedure, nothing to do with the Pedias.

Try it on any open window where you can see both the window of the current application and a window of any other application. Now option-click on the window of the application that is not the current one. The application you where in will hide.

I believe this was introduced way back in the days of System 7 but can't be sure, my memory is not what it used to be :wink:

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Re: Option-start hides other app's windows

Post by Conor »

By changing your timing you could still use the option key to switch databases, you would have to press it after the click on DVDpedia but before it's finished launching. This can be tricky on a fast computer, so another option is double-clicking the Database.pediadata file in each data folder to change databases.
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