BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

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BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by meglet »

I didn't find any other reports of this during a search, so hopefully it's not a duplicate.

I use BookPedia to keep track of my Kindle book as well as my paper books. I use an excluded collection for the Kindle books, so I can keep them separate from the regular books, and I use the ASIN to search so that I can add the Kindle format of the book to this collection instead of the paperback/hardback format.

However, while I used to be able to find Kindle editions of my books this way, now searching for the ASIN returns "no results found" and I have to search by title and add the paper format of the book to my Kindle collection. The last book I was able to add in Kindle format was added to my collection around the middle of July 2009. While it's irritating to have to add the paperback version to what should be a Kindle collection, especially when I get a "duplicate title" warning, a bigger problem is that I have some books that are only available in Kindle format. Since BookPedia isn't returning Kindle results at all, even if I add "Kindle" to my search, that means I can't add any books to the collection that are Kindle-only.

Has this feature been removed from BookPedia, or have I just been really unlucky with the last 10 books I've tried to add?

Thanks, Meghan.
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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by Nora »

Could you please give us a few sample ASINs for Kindle entries that aren't found through the Amazon search anymore? Those will help us look into the problem here. Thanks!
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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by Conor »

As the Kindle catalog has grown I believe Amazon has now moved them into their own category instead of mixing them with the books. We will have to add this search option into a future Bookpedia. Do please send us the ISBNs for the Kindle version so we can test all this out.
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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by meglet »

Sorry about the delay, my spam filter must have snagged the notification that you'd replied to this post.

Books that I used to be able to find in Kindle version, but don't show up now - these are already added to my collection, I used them to make sure I wasn't just having bad luck with the new books I was entering - Kindle ASIN provided:
  • Angels & Demons by Dan Brown ASIN: B000FBJFSM

    Angels Fall by Nora Roberts ASIN: B000PDYVZC

    1st to Die by James Patterson ASIN: B000FA5Q2M
A couple of the new ones I had to add in paperback format, here is the info for the Kindle versions:
  • Assignment in Antibua by Sig Rosenblum ASIN: B001FB544A (this one I can't add at all, as it's only available in Kindle format)

    Time Management for System Administrators by Thomas Limoncelli ASIN: B0026OR2WM ISBN 9780596007836

    2nd Chance by James Patterson ASIN: B000GCFC8M ISBN 9780446696630
I don't have ISBNs for all of these titles, since it's not listed on the Kindle format entries in PocketPedia or Amazon. I can provide them later if you need them.

Thanks for looking into this.

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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by Conor »


I just wanted to update you on the Kindle search situation. We tried to bring that back for the next version thinking that Amazon had just moved it to a new search index and removed it from the books index. Unfortunately, they have simply removed the Kindle products all together from their API catalog. They do have the search index and categories for the Kindle but searching for specific items returns the following error "This item is not accessible through ECS". There is an official confirmation from Amazon in the developer forums and a theory as to why they are no longer available now that this lookup service is no longer part of the Amazon Web Services. It's similar to the trouble we had with Pocketpedia that Amazon no longer seems to want to provide a public service of sharing their catalog data.
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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by meglet »

Well, that bites, thanks for looking into it. I'll just have to get used to having paperback formats in my Kindle collection, and manually adding Kindle-only books.
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Re: BookPedia - Can't find Kindle editions anymore

Post by Conor »

We will petition them for a change on that, even report it as a bug. But the chances of a change are slim as they went out of their way to remove it in the first place.
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