I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

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I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

I download pocketpedia 2 for my iphone 3gs. Also I updated bookpedia to 4.5.4.

But I can't sync with pocketpedia with my book library. It's display "synchronizing..." message infinitely.
My Mac IP is I was open port 1820 to my Mac. And open port 50,000 to 65,000 additionally.

I attached MacOS console log ;

Code: Select all

12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	NSExceptionHandlerUncaughtSignalHandler (in ExceptionHandling) + 65
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	_sigtramp (in libSystem.B.dylib) + 43
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	0xffffffff
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	_CFAutoreleasePoolPop (in CoreFoundation) + 253
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	NSPopAutoreleasePool (in Foundation) + 76
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	-[NSAutoreleasePool drain] (in Foundation) + 130
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	-[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 1013
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 574
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	_start (in Bookpedia) + 209
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	start (in Bookpedia) + 41
12/8/09 12:13:07 AM	[0x0-0x243243].com.bruji.bookpedia[3728]	0x00000002 (in Bookpedia)
12/8/09 12:14:15 AM	Bookpedia[3728]	Socket closed: <AsyncSocket 0x143e63d0 local 54018 remote (null) 0 has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
With error: Error Domain=AsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo=0x13903340 "General CFSocket error" {
    NSLocalizedDescription = "General CFSocket error";
12/8/09 12:14:15 AM	Bookpedia[3728]	Pocketpedia disconnect unexpectedly: <AsyncSocket 0x143e63d0 local nowhere remote nowhere has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
how can I resolve this issue? please help me.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by Conor »

Could you please email us your database file so that we can try to reproduce the crash. You will find the file in your home folder under ~/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Database.pediadata. Select the file and use the "Compress" command under the file menu to create a .zip version that you can attach to an email. (Our email is on the support page.)
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

I sent you email.

But I don't think database file was caused this issue.
In this time, my Pocketpedia was displayed message as "Pedia not found" randomly. :?
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

I updated firmware of my internet router(DIR-655). The firmware version is 1.3.1 now.
And then I open port 8120 to mac, 8115 to iphone. (I check bonjour browser, 8115 seemed to be used in pocketpedia). other port was not opened.

In this time, pocketpedia recognize bookpedia. But It display "synchronizing : synching change to mac" infinitely.
console log is following as ;

Code: Select all

12/8/09 11:17:04 PM	Bookpedia[4788]	Pocketpedia disconnect unexpectedly: <AsyncSocket 0x19401ce0 local nowhere remote nowhere has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
I press option key and trying synching. Then, pocketpedia can't recognize pocketpedia anymore. It display "please be sure to have pedia version....." error. I check console log. The error is ;

Code: Select all

12/8/09 11:30:45 PM	Bookpedia[4834]	Socket closed: <AsyncSocket 0x16703250 local 59442 remote (null) 0 has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
With error: Error Domain=AsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo=0x40b0b0 "General CFSocket error" {
    NSLocalizedDescription = "General CFSocket error";
12/8/09 11:30:45 PM	Bookpedia[4834]	Pocketpedia disconnect unexpectedly: <AsyncSocket 0x16703250 local nowhere remote nowhere has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
12/8/09 11:32:04 PM	Bookpedia[4834]	Socket closed: <AsyncSocket 0x430510 local 59451 remote (null) 0 has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x0 not open, write stream 0x0 not open, not connected>
With error: Error Domain=AsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo=0x60c1d0 "General CFSocket error" {
    NSLocalizedDescription = "General CFSocket error";
Next, I remove pocketpedia in my iphone, reboot router, re-install pocketpedia. then trying re-sync with bookpedia.

But pocketpedia display message as "synchronizing.... requesting collections". no sync, no action.
I check console log. and can't found error message.

please check this issue. Thanks.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by Alex »

Have you tried creating a temporary wireless network between the Mac and the iPhone?

Step #3 in this movie shows how to do it:

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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

I read that article.
But my Mac Pro don't have airport card. I couldn't test that tip. Sorry.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by Alex »

So your Mac Pro is connected by cable to the router and the router is providing the Wireless network. Is that correct?

If this is the case, you need to make sure your router has no restrictions between the ethernet network and the wireless one. There are numerous ways to configure wireless and ethernet segments on a router. One could be where one segment cannot see the other, another one could be with a firewall between segments. Yet another could be that the wireless network is an extension of your ethernet one. Is this what you have?

What are the IPs on your Mac Pro and the iPhone?

From what you're saying it sounds like something is obstructing the traffic between Mac and iphone.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

Alex wrote:So your Mac Pro is connected by cable to the router and the router is providing the Wireless network. Is that correct?

If this is the case, you need to make sure your router has no restrictions between the ethernet network and the wireless one. There are numerous ways to configure wireless and ethernet segments on a router. One could be where one segment cannot see the other, another one could be with a firewall between segments. Yet another could be that the wireless network is an extension of your ethernet one. Is this what you have?

What are the IPs on your Mac Pro and the iPhone?

From what you're saying it sounds like something is obstructing the traffic between Mac and iphone.
Yes, My Mac Pro is connected by cable to internet router. and iphone is connected by wireless to the router.

And Mac Pro IP is, iphone is They're in same zone.

Well, finally, I bought new internet router today. But it wasn't solution.
pocketpedia was succeed reading library list. It's small success. But soon, synching was stopped! pockepedia display "requesting detailed entries information" infinitely. orz
console log is here;

Code: Select all

12/11/09 1:43:00 AM	Bookpedia[8822]	*** __NSAutoreleaseFreedObject(): release of previously deallocated object (0x1ac009f0) ignored
please check what is problem. Thanks, good luck.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

Well, I capture log of iPhone configuration utility.

Code: Select all

Sun Dec 13 21:56:50 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_start_advertising_service:   45 _pocketsync._tcp.local. PTR 3308264435:Bookpedia._pocketsync._tcp.local.
Sun Dec 13 21:56:50 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_start_advertising_service:    1 3308264435:Bookpedia._pocketsync._tcp.local. TXT 
Sun Dec 13 21:56:53 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: onSocketWillConnect 0 <AsyncSocket 0x161160 local nowhere remote nowhere has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x1624d0 not open, write stream 0x162540 not open, not connected>
Sun Dec 13 21:56:53 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Did Connect <AsyncSocket 0x161160 local 8115 remote 52630 has queued 0 reads 1 writes, currently read 8 bytes (0% done), currently written 8 (0%), read stream 0x1624d0 open, write stream 0x162540 open>
Sun Dec 13 21:57:39 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Socket closed: <AsyncSocket 0x161160 local 8115 remote 52630 has queued 0 reads 0 writes, no current read, no current write, read stream 0x1624d0 has error, write stream 0x162540 has error>\nWith error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 "Operation could not be completed. Socket is not connected"
Sun Dec 13 21:57:39 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_stop_advertising_service:   45 _pocketsync._tcp.local. PTR 3308264435:Bookpedia._pocketsync._tcp.local.
Sun Dec 13 21:57:40 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_stop_advertising_service:    1 3308264435:Bookpedia._pocketsync._tcp.local. TXT 
Sun Dec 13 21:57:40 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_stop_resolving_service: 3308264435:Bookpedia._pediasync._tcp.local.
Sun Dec 13 21:57:40 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Removing service: {\n    "3308264435:Bookpedia" = <NSNetService 0x1028e0> local. _pediasync._tcp. 3308264435:Bookpedia;\n}
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Rechibility changed
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: stop browser
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: D2DBrowseListRelease: _pediasync._tcp.local. PTR refcount now 0
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_stop_browsing_for_service: Stopping browse for: _pediasync._tcp.local. PTR
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Run browser
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_start_browsing_for_service: Starting browse for: _pediasync._tcp.local. PTR
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: D2DBrowseListRetain: _pediasync._tcp.local. PTR refcount now 1
Sun Dec 13 21:57:47 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Will Search
Sun Dec 13 21:57:52 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Found service: <NSNetService 0x12f750> local. _pediasync._tcp. 3308264435:Bookpedia 0 (null)
Sun Dec 13 21:57:52 unknown mDNSResponder[18] <Error>: external_start_resolving_service: 3308264435:Bookpedia._pediasync._tcp.local.
Sun Dec 13 21:57:52 unknown Pocketpedia2[459] <Warning>: Services: {\n    "3308264435:Bookpedia" = <NSNetService 0x12f750> local. _pediasync._tcp. 3308264435:Bookpedia;\n}
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

Today, I was install Apple Bonjour Update 2010-001.
And then, pocketpedia 2 sync flawlessly!
(I think it was bug of apple bonjour protocol)

Please add this report to your FAQ. Thanks, good luck!
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by Nora »

That's great news. Thanks for letting us know about the fix.
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Re: I can't sync with pocketpedia 2

Post by djhan »

a few days ago, I can't syncing with bookpedia, too.
I was thinkinng about what was changed. And I found something. That was DNS setting.

Default MacOS DNS setting was blank. I was changed to google DNS server(, but returned to blank.

So I was changed DNS setting to google DNS server. Then trying syncing..... OK, Success!
And now, I don't failed syncing. (When pocketpedia can't recognize bookpedia, I was on-off my iphone's wi-fi setting. And then relaunch pocketpedia)

But I wonder why DNS setting was cause syncing problem. maybe it's a bug of bonjour.

anyway, please add this report your FAQ. thanks, good luck!
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