CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

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CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

Post by gilbertdh »

I think this app is great. I have two questions.

I have 80% classical music and I like to catalog each piece on the CD so the composer listing shows each work I have a recording of. (If there are more than four or five works on the CD I don't do this, depending on how important they are to me). I seem to be able to accomplish this by duplicating the entry for the CD and then editing the information. So if a CD has Beethoven and Brahms on it, I make two entries for the CD, one for Beethoven and one for Brahms and then edit each one for the relevant tracks. Is this the best way to accomplish what I would like to do?

Which leads me to ask about the capacity of CDPedia. My old database had 4500 entries. Can CDPedia handle that? I have a 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB SDRAM, 10.5.8.

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Re: CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

Post by TylerInHiFi »

The way I would do it is to have the album artist listed as "Various Composers" or some such thing and then in the track list, include the relevant composer for each track. It's not quite as effective for sorting, but it would get the job done without having to duplicate each entry.
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Re: CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

Post by adamhh »

I too prefer individual listings for unique items such as shorts on a compilation DVD or individual films in a box set. I duplicate and edit 'pedia entries all the time.

However, I too am curious about capacity. Who has the largest functional 'pedia? How many entries exist in Conor's betas?

BTW: My 'pedia suite has to rank among my top Mac apps, both in terms of frequency AND ease of use. I'm annoyed that on the verge of getting an iphone those *%@£ [insert preferred insult] at Amazon have put the kibosh on Pocketpedia. I look forward to Bruji's creative circumvention of Amazon, or that mighty river's diversion towards agreement.
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Re: CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

Post by Nora »

We've seen databases of over 8,000 entries, which especially for CDpedia is quite amazing since the data is so much larger in the background when you take the tracks into account. On that particular database I remember that the internal search for 'Track Names' is notably slower but not so slow that you wouldn't want to use it. You just notice the program actually thinking about it as opposed to the instantaneous filtering you usually get when you search for a title or artist.

But I'd love to hear some numbers too - can we find the Pedia user with the largest library? Start posting your numbers! :)
How many entries exist in Conor's betas?

The number of entries we work with on a daily basis actually change all the time because we usually have a user's database loaded for bug hunting. So size varies but I'd say the average Pedia database has around 300 entries, which is good for us since it makes it easier to spot inconsistencies. The largest database we've run official to test against was 20,000 in DVDpedia, our top seller. (Size depends very much on which Pedia you're talking about. Gamepedia databases tend to be smaller than say Bookpedia ones since quite a number of small libraries use Bookpedia.)
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Re: CDPedia: duplicating listings and capacity

Post by adamhh »

Since I asked, I'll start rolling the ball. Capacity so far:

CDpedia - 1955 titles (2161 discs) - at least 6-700 to add, more if I decide to add singles
DVDpedia - 1663 titles - a similar no. to add
Bookpedia - havn't really started to add. Some 50 or so titles entered as I lent them. (all returned thanks to Pedia!)

there must be some capacious Pedias out there
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